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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. He became a lawyer and is suing scheisters like you and your shoddy suspension rebuild jobs.
  2. Biased opinions don't need facts to back 'em up. And you're the greediest black guy I know.
  3. Yea, that first article was shitty, I probably should've just included the last two. Either way, hardly puts the onus fully under either political camp. Though it's the greedy banks (typically Republicanesque in political leanings) that got overzealous which caused the collapse. We wouldn't need to have rules/regulations if people didn't get greedy. I don't find a Mr. Wilbur Mills anywhere in that link. Your original quote was... And you cited a single bill that created Medicare and Medicaid -- some of the most coveted programs the gov't offers today. So much so it epitomizes the ignorance of the Teabaggers - who are completely against public healthcare, but don't want the gov't to mess with their Medicare. I'll need more bills authored and passed through Congress showing where Democrats dipped into Social Security. I'll match you tit-for-tat with Republican bills doing the same.
  4. This thread is a bigger letdown than the petting zoo.
  5. I don't hold Fonz to the same expectations I hold myself.
  6. I'll leave your opinion alone on that, since you at least acknowledged your bias. They did? Did Liberals Cause the Sub-Prime Crisis? This is also a good link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Government_policies_and_the_subprime_mortgage_crisis Granted it's Wiki so you have to do some further digging on your own to verify and validate, but the information is there. Nowhere do I find that Democrats were responsible... Cite sources please. 9 out of 10 statistics are made up on the spot. I can agree that this is typically the case, and especially with the short-sighted drive of investment on Wall Street (The private sector is WAY more guilty of this than the public sector). But, I hardly consider the stimulus package a "short term gain" -- more like a stabilization measure. Besides, Bush signed the stimulus in 2008, not the current President.
  7. 10 years!? If that's true, then the major economic slump we're in now was caused by electing President Bush in 2001 and 9/11. That's what you're saying? I get that the economy is cyclical and complex... but you have to look at the policies each President supported/implement as well as WHEN they were implemented to get an accurate fiscal analysis. Clinton's surplus was NOT due to GHWB's "good economic policies", nor can GWBs deficit be attributed to Clinton. Money for war has to come from somewhere...
  8. Time Trials START at 5:30, so I'd like to get there just slightly before that. I'll probably end up rolling in there around 5:30 though since it's tough to leave work early. What are YOU doing tomorrow night, stud? The ZX10 needs dusted off for some straightline action...
  9. For $5... shoot, that's almost a mandate to go out there. Unless the threat of rain is > 20%
  10. So you're basing your argument on.... fear. Got it. You're scared of the future. I'd have trouble getting out of bed each morning with that attitude. I don't know how you do it, or why you even bother if everything's all going to change. The world is going to end in 2012 anyway, does that terrify you? Better start living while the living is good. It'll kill jobs? Sources? Ahh, you're a "trickle down" economist. http://www.faireconomy.org/research/TrickleDown.html The "Trickle Down" Economics Straw Man Income Gaps Between Very Rich and Everyone Else More Than Tripled In Last Three Decades, New Data Show And I know I'm making a totally off-the-wall grandiose assumption here, but I doubt anyone frequenting this board is making an income which puts them in the upper quintile for income. How does Stewart "set them up"? All he does is pull clips from what they're saying and string them together just to show how they don't make any sense, flip-flop, or are just plain wrong when presented facts. He's good at research and documentation with a comical spin -- nothing more. Do all children of racists become racists? Do all children of Republicans become conservatives? Do you think Obama was just handed everything to get to where he is -- like he won some lucky "mulatto child lottery"? Work ethic isn't a political issue, so I don't know why these debates end up turning into "I work hard for my money" meaning you're a Republican or conservative, and "laziness" is a liberal trait? That doesn't make sense. It does matter because you think he's the devil -- well give me some alternatives that we had a better political savior. They all make big promises that they can't hold -- you think it'd be different is McMaverick was in office? Is your wealth being spread right now? Or are you still just scared? I remember posting information in the tax thread when people were bitching about their tax returns that the numbers actually showed people ended up getting more money back now than under the previous administration when you account for all factors. I have not heard of this, please cite some sources so I can educate myself. Though, it does sound more like "trickle down" economics -- which is as effective as Socialism. You keep throwing that word around, but you still haven't shown an appropriate usage. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
  11. UP... He might be available to be your huckleberry in another couple years.
  12. Since you're a psych major Jeff, I thought this was a little serendipitous that I stumbled upon this article today. I think it's pertinent to this thread. What's fact got to do with it?
  13. I was just bustin' your chops, but your rant was seriously misguided. And that's great, but what's the "so what" of all that? If you're happy with your life, what more do you want? Has your life gone drastically downhill in the last 1.5 years compared to the last 8? If so, why is that? Misplaced anger is entertaining, but in the end, still misplaced. Yeah, and I posted it. But isn't that what you were just sticking up for Fox News about? Except the kool-aid that the Daily Show people drink is at least the truth. I don't know where you get that. It depends on what type of young people you're talking about. You can stereotype the group, but you still have to take individual knowledge on a case-by-case basis. What about his upbringing? What about your upbringing? Are you the epitome of innocence and purity? You need to cite facts about why Obama is worse than McCain or Bush or any GOP alternative without any blemishes in their past for us to judge them on.
  14. Worked for FDR, and the leading economists still say we aren't spending enough. What qualifies your opinion? First, it's a very weak comparison to equate a man-made disaster with a natural one. There are gov't agencies setup to cope with natural disasters which is why people derided Bush's response and dispatching of those resources. Katrina wasn't caused by a profit motive, nor can we pin responsibility on ONE entity for a cause. BP is the opposite. Already ahead of you. No, he said Liberals hate wealth. Not, he thinks liberals hate wealth. Then goes one to say he thinks <scenario presented>. Have we all seen those? How many do you know, personally and have daily interaction with in what capacity? I've read about them in the news, but I don't really meet a lot of those people. Where are they? How many of them are REALLY there? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welfare_queen Which is exactly why I don't care. I can deride other peoples' decisions regardless of my apathy towards them -- it's the internet. Again, already ahead of you.
  15. Fox can present whatever views they want, it's when they lie about facts to present an agenda -- that's the issue. Fox news shouldn't be a SOLE source of information for anyone. Show me the stats? I have stats from studies that show people who watch the Daily Show with Jon Stewart are more informed on current events than people who watch Fox. And the Daily Show is political satire - not technically "real news". Sorry Fox News, The Daily Show's Viewers Are More Informed Than Yours 1) Why is it Obama's to fix? Conservatives are all about free market, deregulation, small gov't, but when shit hits the fan you cry "Where's Obama at?" (Obligatory cartoon to make Todd#43 still relevant) 2) Anyone remember "Mission Accomplished"? Iraq was won in 2003, right? I didn't read Biden said that, but if he did we should probably look at the context behind it rather than a couple word blurb. Kinda like how Todd has me quoted in his signature saying he was right -- I said it, but in a VERY specific context. It wasn't a blanket statement. That's how conservatives spin things -- missing the forest for the trees. Quoted for lol-worthiness I hate how getting an education makes you enlightened. I HATE it.
  16. I'll bite, I'm in for a little mental stimulation this morning It start becoming his fault when he causes the problems. Right now he's just trying to fix things that are already broken. OMG!! Everyone turn off your TVs, quit reading things, and just do whatever the hell you want!! Really? This is the media's fault? No, this is peoples' fault for believing the hype and bullspit from the last 8 years. 1) Don't use words that you don't understand the meaning of -- like Socialist 2) Some on here wear tinfoil hats from time to time, but it sounds like you built your whole house outta the stuff. You have any facts to back that up? "Rich" liberals by the by tend to be the smart ones if you look up education statistics (Most college professors are liberals). I don't understand why a "true liberal" has to live poor? What does that have anything to do with it? The typical bleeding heart liberal agenda is to help the poor, so I don't understand wtf you're talking about and why living on $12k/yr would change that? Why do you care what someone making more than enough for them to live comfortably on and be happy in life, does with the rest of their money? What are you ranting about here? Still liberals? Those athiest "gonna go to Hell" liberals? You don't have to be a liberal to realize how hypocritical it is to preach charity and then go spend money on Touchdown Jesus -- the cult can do what they want, because it's not my money, I don't care, but regardless of political affiliation -- you should be able to see the hypocrisy in it. I feel bad for you. Sounds like capitalism has let you down since you can't afford your meds any longer.
  17. I love hearing that I'm right even more
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