Original "Well I'm screwed" thread it was mentioned, which subsequently became the "Well I'm screwed" trimmed thread, and then this one. 3 different threads, though I guess you only caused 2 of them. Do you know what the word judicious means? Lemme help you... ju·di·cious - Having or exhibiting sound judgment; prudent. Your sentence is ironic at the least, senseless at best. There's the thin skin I'm talking about. Is this really a battle you feel needs fighting in the grand scheme of things in a place that only exists on the internet, which you self-profess to be apathetic about anyway? You're upset because a mod made the snide comment: "Psst...Here you go"? Really? That was an injustice of the utmost proportions that you needed to publicly go on about? Sounds like you care a lot more about what others think of you than you let on, ya big softie. Which makes you a liar too.