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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Screw you guys, I was at MidOhio all day and am too tired to debate this bullspit. Be jealous.
  2. I agree, you can't create "morally grounded individual thought", but you can still incentivize it for those that wouldn't otherwise do it in addition to the current deterrents for such behavior.
  3. I could jog to work in less than 20 minutes. But, not many people live that close to work. Though, the intent of the rhetorical question is noted. And I can agree... I don't think there's any company out there that is completely ethical because competition isn't a breeding ground for moral behavior - it just isn't. While I still think it's wrong, I'm also not going to live in an empty house -- so I'll assimilate to the system and it's inherent flaws because it makes my life easier and arguably better. There's a give and take, a cost-benefit analysis that takes place. Still doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to improve the system for the better -- too bad 'better' is subjective.
  4. The Ford Pinto case is the classical example we studied in Enginerd Skool. In said "Free market" even intangibles have a monetary value. Ethics has a price. I think that's wrong... but, that's just my humble opinion. Right, wrong, or indifferent -- that is how the system works.
  5. Start your own Coshocton-based forum but stick around here, get drunk, make posts/threats, and burn an ORDN T-shirt. That'll show 'em!
  6. Wow. I feel old. Edit: I wanted to believe, but it's been brought to my attention that the date is Photoshoped... it's actually some time in 2015.
  7. Better think bigger than that Ben -- that's considered OTJ Training where he's at.
  8. It used to be taboo, but a lot of people are curious. I'm in the same boat as you regarding my opinion - it's pretty tacky to ask. It's not like the MSRP isn't public knowledge though... so people can get a pretty good idea if they do ANY research. OTOH, I might ask in order to do some comparison shopping using first hand accounts and dealerships. So, I'm guilty of it too. I don't expect an answer though if people are uncomfortable. In the grand scheme they're only asking about a motorcycle (I could find out what you paid for your house whether you like it or not, that's public record and probably more intrusive into your finances) and if they're judging you because you saved up by sacrificing other things to get what you want -- that's on them. Envy is one of the 7 deadly sins.
  9. I think Parks just means that after he gets revenge on Casper, it might start to burn when you pee now too. Collateral damage. It'll clear up in a few weeks.
  10. I think all guns should be banned, and we all should instead work to stop the suffrage of women. As Mr. Barkley would say "That's just turrible." Ohhhh I'm sorry, "Satin"... "Satin" is what we were looking for there. Pick again, remember players there is a daily double still left on the board.
  11. *click* Thread Subscribed.
  12. M&P eats all others' for lunch.
  13. After reading all this, I'm sorry for all the long posts I wrote in the debates I've gotten into. I'm on UPs side and I'm on RVT's side. I want you both to be the bread in a JRMMiii sammich.
  14. Orange shirt, flat bill hat... got it. I might be on the Hayabusa if I plan to go straight from MidOhio to Norwalk to drag it.
  15. Yea, but you secretly enjoy it too. Don't lie.
  16. That's the gayest thing I've ever read from you.... You could've at least said you were going as a compromise to get trim -- unless Kevin is still sore from last time.
  17. http://www.midohio.com/Assets/Documents/Terms-and-Conditions-of-Orders Spot was transferred when Mid Ohio called me to confirm my information.
  18. You need to start reading hellforleathermagazine.com -- had this article in there last Friday. And to derail the thread, OR-style, anyway... this is cooler: http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2010/07/video-motus-kmv4-runs.html
  19. Let me see what my plans are... and it'll be weather dependent. I'm snooty and girly, "Avon-eseque" - I suppose is a term you could use, when it comes to weather. I won't be riding in the rain.
  20. Thanks Iamnotgreg. We'll see you tomorrow! Sorry your buddy can't make it, but send my thanks to him as well.
  21. "Workarounds" are pretty irrelevant if you pick it up and take it with you, you've got hours and hours to figure out a workaround in a backalley bike chop shop.
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