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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I find it interesting that many of the speeding violations (ala buxnut) were ORC Code 4511.21D http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.21 In my most recent run-in, the code cited was 4511.21C I dunno if a case can be built upon that (D may just be a subset of C and therefore nothing), but I'll need to look into it.
  2. ^---- Now that, is a WEAK-ASS ticket. I hope when you got your license and regs you wiped your dick across them before handing them to the cop.
  3. How can you say no? I mean, if you would've seen the way it was looking at me - all 'come hither'-like...
  4. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=461167&postcount=140
  5. Check back in a couple months. May be adding a violation, and dropping the restriction. ***END OF DRIVER RECORDS***
  6. They got him for that and then some... 6pts (Hell, wreckless op is only 4). Vehicular homicide is 6pts. My best guess, is they nailed him with the Bolded and underlined violation below. http://www.dmv.org/oh-ohio/point-system.php I do question the speed though... how was that verified? Radar, laser, VASCAR, air? That's quite a 'trophy'.
  7. Wow. That sucks. Hope he makes a full recovery... at least enough to make his wrists strong enough to punch the guys teeth out.
  8. Nerd jokes and Hannity being a douche. That's win right there. WIN, I tellz ya.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xOO39wyKK4
  10. Sounds like my knifefight story...
  11. No, I can't argue with math, but I highly doubt in the full compliment of gear, the pilot can tell who was on what bike... Damn good find Pedro... I actually read that article about a year ago. Good on you to find it again
  12. Referencing our thread: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=56037 I wondered if there are any LEOs or OSHP troopers with experience on how they use airplanes to issue speeding tickets. I'm more interested in the methodology and the technology used. The citation is marked 'Air' and not 'VASCAR' - so I'm curious as to what would shed some reasonable doubt on getting 4 motorcycles all traveling identical speeds and being able to identify each person on each motorcycle from the FAA mandated minimum height of 500ft over a rural area. Legally, the blanket 'cast the net' (one bike = all bikes in group) for speeding doesn't hold a lot of water does it? How can 4 bikes have identical speeds? Figured it couldn't hurt to ask on here and get some opinions to help me build a case prior to the arraignment, just in case they decide to try us on the spot (I plan to request a trial by judge or motion for a continuance to have time to file for discovery and subpoena evidence/witnesses if that situation should arise). I'm hoping to plea bargain. Win-win for everyone.
  13. Well yea... but the point is, why make it easier? You can leave your house unlocked when you go to the grocery store too and it'll probably be fine, but you don't Twitter your house is unlocked at this address and you'll be gone for the next 3 hours... You're just enabling people. But whatev. To each their own, your level of comfort for privacy is different from everyone elses.
  14. Fuuuuuuuuuuccccccckin' A, man. :+1: And Peter Gabriel - musical geniuses
  15. Yea, I got nothing... I'm not willing to plunk down the $30 to prove the point that many of us have been making. Pretty much all I found out was your last name begins with 'R'. I thought your name was Chris B Renk. Guy seemed about to be your age, and in Parma. But, if someone is that pissed at you... they'll find you.
  16. ?? can't say I think Chris knows a Melissa though... I also think his middle name is Brian
  17. It's not? Hmm, well the only other names it came up with were Lorraine or Mallory.
  18. I won't go into details, but plate information isn't just used to find out who people are, it works both ways. There are also ways to find that out without LEOs or PI's. It's a big no-no to do a lot of things too, doesn't stop people. "It's only illegal if you get caught."
  19. Yea, because none of us "Average Joes" know people that could do that for us.... I'm in chevy's camp. It's public and if you were riding with me, you'd see it... but I don't need it rampantly around on the internet especially when you never know what keyboard warrior might take things a little too far and stalk you because they think the internet is serious business. I'd prefer to not make it any easier - the info is there for people that really want to dig for it.. but I'll consider that a 'cooling off' period before they'd do anything that would get someone hurt. We're all adults on here, but some people don't act like them sometimes....
  20. Rob has 555 posts. Mmmmm 555.
  21. Wow. That's pretty much epic fail for the day Pauly.
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