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Posts posted by Disclaimer

  1. Use a pickle to clean it first, then use the dupont teflon chain lube. :)


    I actually did this on my SV. The consistency of the pickle guts made it really easy to grab dirt/grime off the chain, but it's a very messy process. I really didnt notice my chain THAT much cleaner than traditional methods... I still scrubbed it with an old toothbrush and stuff. Plus my garage smelled like pickles for a week -- neither good or bad, but jussayin'.

    I'm just sad they changed the DuPont Teflon formula... that was good stuff. :cry:

  2. I should neg you for that reply. You failed me miserably, I always await your witty yet snarky just shy of genius comebacks ........ that was 5th grade caliber

    ...Which makes it directly inline with the caliber of this discussion...

    "but not every type of communication is packaged and delivered like Mary Poppins"? really, justin? really?

    You, of all people, are going to bust peoples chops about saying some heinous 'isht'? Granted, we do it in jest, but really... there are people that would be legitimately offended by a vast majority of stuff you (or I) post. This is like asking if rape jokes, or dead baby jokes are funny.

    Like I said, I don't agree with the tact... whether it was undertones of political beef or just plain rudeness... but c'mon, they're just words from some random people on the interwebz. It's not like they said it to Anden's face, and if they did, they'd have to accept whatever consequences there may be. It just so happens now, they have to accept the consequences of posting it publicly here. Which, since it's in R&R now, won't have much repercussions beyond ORDN members. :dunno: But the "off with their heads" stuff is the same over-emotional kneejerk responses that escalate things well beyond where they ever needed to go.

  3. Lots of sensitivity in this thread.

    So these guys said some dickish things, they didn't kick the poor kid out of his wheelchair and down a flight of stairs. Saying they deserve to be banned for a year a few words seems a little overboard.

    I think I understand where they were going with the comments (not that I'm condoning them or the tact used to present them).

    There are a lot of "conservative, pro-free market unregulated capitalism, down with gov't social safety net programs, survival of the fittest"-type people on this forum that are very vocal about their political views and it's unfortunate circumstances like this where throwing someone's political views back in their face directly contradicts their personal sense of compassion and empathy.

    Personally, I don't recall Anden being overly vocal about his political views so I don't understand how politicizing his child served any purpose other than to force others' to reconcile their views? :dunno: I can only imagine how difficult, expensive, and time consuming it must be to raise a special needs child, so if Anden and the mother are receiving any SS or disability from my tax dollars toward the care of this child, I have no problem with that. Never have, and I thought that's been clear with *my* political stances on here.

    But, like stated above, others' don't share those views, so there are many people paying lip service to being compassionate -- while their votes and dollars say otherwise. IMHO, it's a dick way to point it out, but not every type of communication is packaged and delivered like Mary Poppins.

  4. No one has tried caps lock yet!

    Caps lock makes your point more valid!

    ^^^---- Ohhhohohohohoh, Casper you clever devil, string rules on posts... (*Note, the above post was made in ALL CAPS)



  5. I'm pretty sure I know why these new policies were implemented:



    They may not appear related specifically, but methinks the two-step verification theme is going to trend throughout the industry and will involve pairing hardware devices to accounts.

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