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Posts posted by Disclaimer

  1. The bad news is that the lawsuit is priced for the defendant to roll over and pay, rather than pay more to the lawyers to fight and dismiss it. This is an ambulance chaser.

    The plantiff should be fined... $75,000. But that won't happen.

    Because Tom already said it.

    But, it's funny to read the opinions about her being able to pay for the lawsuit. Some of ya'll talk like you aren't really educated on how the process works.

    1) Civil cases have to have a fee paid to even bring the suit

    2) If you do research, you'll see that $75k is often the statutory max in a District court where filing fees are low (~$350 to $500). Over $75k bumps you up to Federal court and increases the fees.

    3) I'd bet dollars to day old doughnuts that this is one of those "Only pay if you collect" lawyer deals where the plaintiff only has to cough up the filing fees with nothing else to lose.

    In the end, I think a settlement wins out, unless Kmart really wants to litigate and go after her via Rule 13 and Rule 11 (if they're feeling really ambitious), though highly unlikely.

  2. Buddy at work had a good idea...

    All persons pro life vote as such and end up on a list. Each year the govt goes through the list and sends those folks a bill for the cost of the children currently being raised by foster parents/govt social programs for all the 'unwanted' or otherwise 'would've been aborted' children.

  3. Democrats - legislate markets in an attempt to make them more equitable.

    Republicans - legislate morality in an attempt to make people more 'good'.

    But in regards to the above, its the converse of the standard Republican platform. Pro-life reconciled with pro-capital punishment. :dunno:

    And I don't think you can broad-brush ALL Dens with the gun control thing. It took bipartisan legislation to pass the Castle Doctrine, Stand Your Ground and other CCW laws or self-defense laws. Dems don't want to take all your guns, just ones that a reasonable

    person wouldn't "need" to have. Do you *need* an AR15 as a civilian? That's where the debate normally starts... not "get rid of all guns", but at "what threshold should we set for the type of firearms the general populace has access to". I think that's a reasonable place to start.

    There a reason you're trolling this topic tonight?

  4. You make me laugh.

    I have some life experience in this arena, but regardless, take what I say with a grain of salt.

    You're fortunate enough to be young and green and soon-to-be a "fresh out". So, you have going for you.

    Unfortunately, unless you're well connected, willing to work for peanuts (or at least what I consider "peanuts" for an engineering degree), and/or unwilling to do anything not motorcycle-related -- you're pretty much screwed.

    1) You lack relevant experience (unless you've had some relevant engineering co-oping or something)

    2) Should you go to a "tech school" for wrenching on bikes, that's not going to help you out. That's what they pay techs to do -- for peanuts.

    3) If you're academically smart enough to obtain a degree in engineering with high marks, then your best course is likely to continue your academics via graduate studies (or PhD if you want to pigeonhole yourself into academia-only or something so highly specialized that your job prospects get extremely narrow). When pursuing these studies, your best bet is to get your employer to pay for said additional schooling.

    Given all that, finding a lucrative career in the motorcycle industry is slim to nil for you, unless passion >> money for you -- then you should've just spent your time in engineering school at WyoTech or whatever.

    My advice to you would be to fill WHATEVER engineering role you can in a major OE and continue to drop hints to management that you'd like to move over to the motorcycle area if at all possible in your career path. Honda would be your best option I think, but I know Yahama is on a hiring spree, and I know Polaris and Harley are constantly looking for engineers if you don't give a damn about moving to Minnesota or Wisconsin.

    Sorry if I'm pissing in your Wheaties or raining on your parade, but the outlook isn't good for you unless you're willing to make some concessions to pursue your "dreams".

    Unless you're the next Erik Buell, then feel free to hire me as VP of engineering -- I'm a straight shooter that doesn't sugar coat things. :)

  5. To each their own i suppose.

    I don't have friends that pull bullsh*t like that, and if I found out they did I'd call them out on it, and may not be friends with them that much longer. I certainly wouldn't unquestionably defend them.

    Shady people breed drama, and drama is much better as a spectator sport, not as an active participant.

  6. Which is why I follow him to wherever he is going and watch until the po-po show up...video running the entire time.

    Apparently you glazed over the part where you have about 60 miles left with your tank 1/2 full....

    Also, assume you don't have those fancy bluetooth speaker gear (since most squids can't afford gear, let alone fancy electronics)... how exactly do you plan on calling and alerting the cops? You'd have to stop, de-helmet, call... by that time, the car is LONG gone.

    Kind of like this case...


    No witnesses, cager runs over your foot and takes off. So, do you stop and call the cops or give chase? Since you probably aren't going to be able to do both....

  7. Assuming you didn't get a license plate, or the driver had a stolen plate...

    Ya'll realize most [sport]bikes have around 150mi range tops, right? That's after just filling up. If I was in the cage, I'd drive until your bike ran out of gas...

    then what? You have video of a vehicle (not a driver), with a stolen plate -- can't prove anything, other than *I* may or may not have stolen a plate.

  8. Extreme road rage - Car tries to take out bikers!


    A group of bikes were riding in Omaha, NE this weekend when the driver of a car decided to try and drive them off the road. You can see several times when the driver attempts to wreck the bikes at 60+ MPH. It's unknown what provolked the driver of the car.

    Driver was arrested for drug charges, nothing related to the bike incident.

    Originally where I saw this: http://www.motorauthority.com/news/1077993_driver-goes-nuts-tries-to-take-out-motorcyclists-on-freeway-video

    Wow. :eek:

    Note: I watched w/o sound since there's some NSFW language... so I dunno what was said/threats, etc...

  9. This thread is now dildos.

    BTW, the Murderous Heat Miser wasn't wearing body armor (just a nylon "assault vest") unless the company that sold it to him is lying, but I haven't heard anything since the initial reports that contradict that the vest was not armored. He was as vulnerable to bullets as his victims were.

    "Harry put on special tires."

    "What's special about them?"

    "Nothing in particular."


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