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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I <3 u guyz. This is why I come here.
  2. Flava flav!!!!!11!11!! You know what time it is? Yeeeeeeea boooooooiieee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBA-xi8WuCU
  3. All over your Jet magazine.
  4. Settle down, it's not like he said BYOW And one of those wouldn't even fit on all the Hayabusa's the 'brothers' ride. Jokes folks, jokes.
  5. Plyo isn't pushups, it's 'jump training'

    I think I'll be doing Shoulders & Arms today...

  6. Kenpo - that's one of the easier ones.

    Wait until you do Plyo. :devil:

  7. And I look forward to seeing your fine ass on that yellow gsxr this summer
  8. 1) Doesn't work because you'll end up with insurance cherry picking healthy vs. unhealthy (http://newamerica.net/publications/policy/across_state_lines_explained) 2) Identical to current system, and that's already in the legislation - if you want to keep your existing plan, you can. 3) What tools? That's a blanket statement. 4) Tort reform, while important, accounts for less than 5% of healthcare costs, so that's not going to alter the current path (http://washingtonindependent.com/55535/tort-reform-unlikely-to-cut-health-care-costs) So, any other proposals that can't be refuted?
  9. That's what needs fixed... the insurance part (which includes lobbyists). I've got nothing against doctors charging for their services. But, you don't have to have an MBA to know that in any transaction that the middleman is the one that stands to gain the most. Insurance companies are that middleman. They need to be facilitators, not profit-generators.
  10. Like I've been saying, the Dems are open to discussing ideas, but all the GOP can come up with is 'NO' or plans that have no basis in reality either because they don't make sense or they can't be fiscally justified.
  11. I realize that because you're completely content in life where things are at, RIGHT NOW. Don't want to move forward or backward. Just HALT everything because nothing can be better than it is RIGHT NOW.
  12. Obama answers the transparency issue on that video I mentioned... all these bipartisan meetings occurred offsite from Capitol Hill and the CSPAN cameras weren't going to follow all the GOP and Dem members everywhere across Washington. Obama doesn't have control over where all these Congressmen and women choose to roam.
  13. GOP Obstruction Has Shattered Previous Record And that was back in 2008 before Obama was in Office...
  14. Links plz. I'd draft stuff behind closed doors too. Like in college, you don't need to see my thesis prior to it being done and ready for view. THEN we can discuss it after I've ironed on my OWN ideas out and got them on paper.
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