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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Then this is what the sandwich would've looked like with my 'meat' in the middle methaphorically speaking of course.
  2. Two guys wrestling around? Who's who in this pic?
  3. If you want boobies, you better have Mj bring a friend.
  4. My favorite range is my parents house in the country.
  5. This isn't even a program yet, but the concept is pretty sweet. Now, lets get the initial comments out of the way like: "Why would I assemble my own engine when I'm paying $100k to get someone else to do it?" "Warranty policy for 'build your own' program" - that is an unknown, I'd assume it'd be a supervised build and warranty would still be valid Yada yada yada. So - what do ya'll think? Cool or not? Would you take advantage of this if you had the coin for a ZR1? What about if they offered it for your next bike purchase?
  6. I'm bringing my knife and my fork and maybe an apron for all the medium rare cow that misses my food hole.
  7. Your Starfish 4 Dinner?
  8. It's like typing to a brick wall. The reason isn't necessarily more important, where did I say that? I said it's like having half a sentence... which half is more important, that depends on what information is contained in each half. Jeez. Why'd she quit? Srsly? Because she couldn't handle the criticisms that come with the office of Alaskan Governor... and yet, she thought she could handle the VP role? Right. Basically: "Free speech is fine, until you start saying bad things about me, then I'll take my ball and go home crying" Palin Quits as Alaska Governor http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/07/03/palin-quits-alaska-governor/ Not to mention her 'ethics inquiries'.... :roll:
  9. I'd vote to move the floppy cocks to the tacky mansion, but then I'd be out my $0.99 steaks... so, bad idea.
  10. Meh. I think everything will be fine. No worries mate. $5 pitchers and $0.99 STEAKS!!! Srsly. $0.99!
  11. So, if you're shoving your cock down that guys throat, we're supposed to assume it's not in the friendly manner way you do it to everyone else?
  12. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt for now and assume he didn't mean anything malicious, evil, or mean-spirited behind that.
  13. No, you didn't get it right. The action is what it is, but it doesn't tell a complete story. It's like reading half a sentence. Actions have motives and are influenced by internal and external circumstances. I dropped the comparison already, still doesn't change the fact we have JUDGES for the myriad of offenses someone can commit. And in the case of BHO vs. Palin (even considering the metaphorical whoring of them both), one is a promotion, the other is insubordination to the people that elected her and disrespect of the political office that she held to just quit for the reasons she quit.
  14. Once again, you need to think BEYOND the immediate words in front of your face and understand the reasoning and motives. That is important as to how you'll be judged. Though that may not have ANY importance to you, society places a value on reasoning (in some shape, value, or form) and in fact employs people specifically to JUDGE others.
  15. Hmm, that must be why the prison sentences for murder and murder in self-defense are identical. :roll: If they're equal, they should be JUDGED equally, right? Why aren't they?
  16. This says Honda was credited for the first commercial ATV in 1970, after 3 years of planning. But, I dunno if that's First ATV in the US... they made it for the US market. http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/1792854 This is perturbing.
  17. For the rest of ya'll... all these questions were from a mis-mash of quizzes from funtrivia.com. Here's a quiz with the question about the ATVs: www.funtrivia.com/playquiz/quiz188796159e728.html I just want to verify the answers, which sucks because that funtrivia site is blocked by the Websense proxy, so I had no other choice than to verify answers to old fashioned way.
  18. http://www.globalsuzuki.com/corp_info/history/index.html This says they didn't even enter the 'motorized' field until 1952. So was the 1942 model a limited production military vehicle not for public consumption?
  19. I just can't find that little fact anywhere. My issue with 16, was I used Soichiro's actual bio on wiki (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soichiro_Honda) which incorrectly states 1946 - apparently 1948 is the year everywhere else.
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