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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1926948
  2. New guy on a GSXR. Where will this thread go? Let's find out.
  3. Sup? How was skiing? Miss any certain people while you were out there?

  4. @112k on the clock, you may be due for a new one. But after dropping this much coin on it, you must be planning on driving that Jap-Ford for many more miles. I feel bad for you man, and it's these stories that make me glad I come from a family of gearheads and wrench turners.
  5. NWS - I clicked the thread at work, but the titties didn't show (Websense), and then I came home, and got big black titties. Home - Ok Office - not so much
  6. +1 on the code reader idea... but see if they'll loan it to you or rent it to you so you can have it plugged in while your wife drives around so you can read the instantaneous data out of the port. I'm surprised no one has mentioned a MAF/MAP/IAT sensors. If the computer isn't registering the proper intake, it'll start running lean/rich depending on how bad it's out and will cause idle issues. My parents Buick ran rough at idle and it ended up being the MAF sensor right at the intake - $60, done deal.
  7. Top Gear does another great job of building it up and then finally letting people in on the truth. I've read articles on the LF-A in Wards and SAE mags, and the video gets it right about the 8:30 mark... it is absolutely 'an engineer's wet dream'. The level of detail that went into that car is astounding and so is the manufacturing technology. I believe I read that they developed a special machine just to figure out how to spin-weave the A-pillars out of carbon fiber. But, once again, the price point is out-of-this-worldly for a car that doesn't perform up to the out-of-this-worldly standard when you could get a more economical beast (including the sister car from Toyota, the FT-86), that would out perform it in most metrics at a fraction of the price. My take on this car is: Not only was it an engineering/manufacturing R&D exercise, but it's a Halo car that the Japanese will use private owners (like it said, Lexus won't make any money off the sale of each vehicle) to bankroll all the 'learning' and new manufacture tech - leaving the Japanese WAY ahead of the curve on the next-gen vehicle manufacturing technology. The Japanese are anything but wasteful, and they did not produce this vehicle as a 'F you' to the Italians, Swedes, or American supercar builders - evident by the fact that it doesn't outperform many of them. They produced it for future gain. If I had to make a prediction, I predict you'll see the first carbon fiber car produced for mass consumption will be from the Japanese.
  8. I don't think you've ever seen me on that the times we've ridden together.
  9. Piss posh. Pain is just weakness leaving the body.
  10. This will be baller status. Extra points for sportbikers.
  11. They did a Gangland episode on the Zetas on the History Channel. Like that dude said: they don't fuck around.
  12. Or, steal their class after you die 4 times with the Copycat perk.
  13. You don't need to go to college to make doughnuts.
  14. Yea, because I'm too cheap to shell out coin for a hotel. But, one day = as long as I can stay awake, so.....40+ hours Iron Butt?
  15. And no one can ever tell it's blood stained if it's black.
  16. Black, goes with everything, even if you get a new bike. But, you could just be less ghey and not care. I ride around with a red/white/black jacket on my copper bikes. Worst-case, women notice me because of how tacky it looks - and that's the goal right? To get noticed so they don't run your ass over.
  17. I'm thinking about starting an x-ray franchise. Thank you guys for all your help. These will be great for my x-ray portfolio, I'll add them to my liquidity. Income statement Executive Summary ...and the like, plus other business terms to make me sound serious like I know what I'm talking about. Mmmmm, yes, quite. Shallow and pedantic.
  18. Burgundy ain't lying... he's a beast behind one of these
  19. S&W M&P in .357 SIG (converted to .40S&W at the moment) Ruger SP-101 3.25" barrel
  20. I'm going to use the official SWAT hand gestures from now on when I'm playing with you guys. Study up.
  21. 5.0 is back!? Coool, sweeeeeeet, awwwwwessooooommmee! That's this cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pr5toTGPIbE&feature=player_embedded
  22. Someone with free time could go, bring a buddy, a camera, and a .40 and start peppering the guy with questions until he sweats. Then casually drop the info that you're looking at it for a friend of yours - who's a cop, who asked you to check for certain things and documents. Be sure to take pictures of the seller and write down any license plates of his other vehicles before dropping the "for my cop friend" bomb. Another funny thing to mention is your buddy had a bike "just like this that got stolen". Then let the entertainment/socially awkward backpedaling begin.
  23. Can we just close this thread? Please... it's like a horse with 4 broken legs. It won't go anywhere.
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