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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. They probably didn't get that memo. I bet the dude was rocking out to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1IbbFvHp44 Absolutely atrocious that he involved the kid and wife. I understand people have their problems, but the 'action plan' to cope with them shouldn't involve others against their wills.
  2. Artist rendition of me. Likwid Or, wait... maybe that's backwards? I dunno.
  3. Kind of off topic, but in the 'Live' feed, it shows the URLs of where these images are embedded (I can't see half of them from work anyway, but it gives me an idea of what they are)... some of them are pretty funny in their own right. Like Caspers above is from a user on Photobucket with a directory called "Kissesaremagic"
  4. Obviously you feel hurt about something and are lashing out Likwid... You want me to drag my sack across your face - make you feel better?
  5. Ohh, I thought you were since that why Parks was banned. I guess it depends on whos eating them - I'm sure I can be a buzzkill at times. But, don't confuse pissing in someone Wheaties with disagreement along with a helping of sarcasm.
  6. Best idea EVAR!!!! You could totally service Mid-Oh at least.
  7. that's what I was going for. @ Max, It's ok to disagree and debate - but I'm pretty sure I've never threatened to beat someones ass, so I'm no kettle. I'll be the first one to back down from a physical altercation - not worth it for me.
  8. How come there's soo many fighters?... things are simpler if we're all lovers.
  9. Problem solved.... for $500 http://www.tricplate.com/
  10. I will gladly pay some peasant to do even 25 minutes worth of work. If I can afford to let my exotic pets have their own cars, I can surely afford this service. </snootyvoice> Yes, that's my mountain goat's Ferrari, and he is better than you.
  11. I bet that chick has done the 'three finger shuffle' plenty of times.
  12. I just figured it got stuck in an endless loop trying to enforce the new rulez point system and eventually banned itself from being a forum. What if the site abuses itself? Ohio Rider Masochist Forum
  13. I personally know people that need money too, what's your point? If they're really hurting for money, is $1000 really going to even put a dent in their finances? Sure every little bit helps, but you're addressing a symptom, not a root cause. Temporary fixes rarely work. The vets are just as capable of working as the people I know, and the vets would even get preferential hiring treatment - assuming they're not on disability and getting gov't checks for that already. How do you know we don't need railcars? Who are you to say that? I disagree. We've all made different sacrifices in life, as we're all on different paths. The people that serve know what they're getting into and the benefits and drawbacks to becoming involved in the military. What hurts our military is getting involved in conflicts we have NO business spending our time, resources, or manpower on. This is going down a slippery slope, but I'll go there just because I feel like stirring the pot a little today. Let's just go way out there on a complete tangent... Just consider this... (since you just happened to bring it up in your post ) Using your idea that we have what we have today is because of vets. Ok, I'll bite. But, I'll contend, for argument sake, that the most meaningful conflict was the Revolutionary War, but even up to WWII was the last meaningful conflict to our society. Korean War, Vietnam, Iraq... those wars have had little to no effect on our American society (aside from using our resources and manpower and causing families grief from having to bury their soldiers) - those wars have not drastically changed the way we've lived like the Rev War, Civil War, WWI, and WWII. Now, I don't know any vets alive from the Rev, Civil, or WWI - WWII may still have some vets left. But, the current vets have had little/nothing to do with how their service has directly affected our current living situation. They're not protecting our freedom and rights in OUR country, they're indoctrinating other countries to that mindset. Rightfully or wrongfully. So (and here's where I'm going to stir the pot), lets compare this to the civil rights movement. There are blacks still upset about slavery and are due Reparations, there are whites that say it's over, they didn't own any slaves personally, get over it. AND all the opinions in between. My questions becomes, should we treat blacks like veterans? Both groups have made great sacrifices in the past. Blacks by helping America gain a global economic stronghold through their slave labor, Veterans by giving (eventually) freedom to us as a nation. But, now in the present, blacks and vets have taken on completely different roles in society, yet we still treat vets, as vets with the same respect, and even given them additional benefits beyond what any historical vet received. Anyone want to provide their thoughts?? Since I've already taken this as far-out on a tangent as I did. I'm not arguing a point either way on the blacks / vets thing, I'm just wildly throwing it out there as a discussion point if anyone want to take it on.
  14. I'm thankful everyday for the sacrifices the vets have made - so I'm not going to debate that with you. I think you have a skewed view on what is 'deserved' though. If we had the money, sure - but we don't. And you mention all the other stuff we spend money on (Federal level examples btw, not state ones, but I digress) that you disagree with. Ok, so according to you, instead of fixing the other problems we throw money at unjustly, we should go ahead and throw more money at stuff? That's like your wife buying a Coach purse that you can't afford and deciding that, well if she doesn't care about putting us in debt, you go out and buy a Porsche - furthering your debt issue. When you should've just talked to your wife and voiced your disapproval so she'd either take it back, or not buy another one. Especially considering this is a 'bonus', not an amount that people go into the service banking on a check from the Ohio State Government. If you voted for this, then you shouldn't be upset about the golden parachutes the TARP bailout money gave to their execs. They deserved it afterall. Sure, the monetary value was different, but it's the same concept. So, I understand from the emotional side why people voted 'Yes' for this, we need to show the veterans we honor their duty and sacrifice, but gov't shouldn't be emotional, it should be rational and economical. And I think you'll find that you might get some pushback on that. For MANY people, charity and church are a way of life.
  15. Wait... we're supposed to read 'between the lines' for the political satire? I thought it was just a cartoon where kids swore and made fun of that one fat kid?
  16. This is a good very general common sense overview: http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/740/4893/Motorcycle-Article/How-to-Buy-a-Motorcycle.aspx But, I assume you're talking more about looking the bike over. Basically, nothing beats research into the specific bike you're looking to buy. Research the common issues, the market prices, ask a TON of questions to the seller, make them confirm the things they wrote to you in an e-mail, ad, over the phone convo... I know I've written this before in another thread, but when buying a used bike, the most important thing is to get a feel for the type of person the seller is... if you come in knowing your shit, you should be able to get a better read on them as a person to know whether they're worth the time dealing with - are they honest? shifty? How good do they bullshit? Ask questions you already know the answer to, to see if they're honest and knowledgeable about the bike. It's a tough 'skill' to explain on how to bullshit with someone to get a read on them... but that's really what you're doing when you buy a used bike. It's one thing to get taken by an honest guy that was legitimately unaware of any issues the bike may've had, it's another to get taken to the cleaners by a guy knowing he intentionally is selling a lemon.
  17. Is this how you would manage your own money too? Just asking... you'd go into (more) debt to donate to a charity/church/cause of choice?
  18. I don't have ANY of the Halo games either. I can't afford these fancy-schmancy video games - I spend my entertainment budget on bikes and mutual funds. I can make a case for bikes be entertaining, but <sadface> that I consider investments in that same category. FM2 PGR3 or 4 Burnout Revenge <--- I was ranked in the top #100 before, so I'd love to pwn you guys in that game GoW (only the first one) L4D
  19. I can't tonight - assume you're all talking FM2.
  20. I'm ok with the proposed alternative reality
  21. Just wait until some ADULT does that and thinks it's funny - to all the guys on METRIC cruisers. Because we all know, anything that looks like a 'crotch rocket' is a 'Jap bike' and anything long, low, and chrome is a Harley.
  22. So...what e-mail forward or conservative blog did you copy that out of? And how'd you vote on Issue 1 in Ohio?
  23. Tell her sister she needs to go south on me... then I don't give a rats ass how cool or uncool it makes you. Though I would give you ultimate max bonus points over 9000!!!!!! if you got into her and her sister's pants at the same time... unless someone barfed.
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