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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Does it have to be a gif? You can always make one from all the tools on the internet Google "Youtube to Animated gif" I'm pretty sure this is what you're looking for... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-Rnl7Orxdk
  2. Yes, this was totally Obama's fault. Totally. There is NO one more personally responsible for this act more than Obama. Obama himself was the triggerman and this unknown Muslim guy is just taking the fall for him.
  3. Srsly... that's NOT a 'fixed' joke... he really posted that.
  4. Nut up or shut up.... do what YOU want. The wife can suck it. If you want two streetbikes, you can have two streetbikes.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwvpVRdosNc Throw Garrett on the ground.
  6. Quit posting about how many people eye up your bike, ya snobby KTM ridin' dick.
  7. How come you didn't say such nice things when wrillo and the fellow NEO crew tried to help kayleigh find a ride? - she was a random stranger too! Hell, we even found her one... a 1985 Rillo 3"
  8. What is with all these girl-sized boys?! Food. Eat it!
  9. Srsly... you use the "search" button for gear threads. thems fightin' words around here!!!
  10. SE Michigan Area Code... hmm.

    I'm meeting rear stand guy at 6PM

  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiXaT_1I-vw
  12. Holy shit, the newbie actually included both M's and the triple 'i's in my name when he addressed me. You're alright kid, regardless of what RVTPilot has said about you in all those PMs. And to address your insurance question... When I insured my Hayabusa, and added my SV1000 to it.... my premium increased $15/yr. So, I'm gonna go ahead and say the SV650 would be even cheaper, and if you plan on just getting liability, then I would guess that < 1000cc engine size plus "standard bike" (i.e. not considered a 'sport bike' by insurance companies like the R6, GSXR600, CBR600RR, or ZX-6R) plus liability only Even with your age, you should have a premium < $200/yr or thereabouts. I'm with Progressive.
  13. That's totally blackmailable with the proper Photochop skillz.
  14. Who texted me and asked if I was "really coming to Columbus"

    734 Area Code.

  15. I'm meeting the rear stand guy this evening to get the rear stand... so it's not looking good.

  16. ^---- Who the hell are you? WTF do you know about motorcycles? What makes you think you're qualified to give an opinion like that?
  17. I must have the skeleton key of secret knocks then, because I never have any issues letting myself into the party.
  18. Don't post anymore until you answer the important question... What's your sister look like? +4,512.4 on the SV650S, or SV650N.
  19. Unless we better than you... then we apply.
  20. I won't even be able to leave my HOUSE until about 7PM

    If I decide not to flake, that is.

  21. Let me get back to you after I workout.... 1:30PM-2PMish

  22. WTF did you think I could say? "I'd hit it" was the first thing that came to mind... Then I threw up in my mouth a little Then I thought this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3iEOO9p6Ok Then I decided I need to just stop, admit defeat in this battle, and live to fight another day.
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