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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Disclaimer


    You were over at LE HD? I assume they're the ones you were referring to that haven't discounted anything. They're probably not even aware of the news...
  2. Disclaimer


    Well, if you're getting an 'R'... tell me where I can find the 'CR'. Pretty pweese.
  3. Disclaimer


    I love/hate you this much.
  4. Disclaimer


    '09 CR? Or, aren't all the CR '09s?
  5. Disclaimer


    Find me some '09s for that price!
  6. Disclaimer


    Meh, I thought it was an 09... those changes are significant enough to not make it worth it for me.
  7. Disclaimer


    As long as I dont' have to ride them back... and why would I have to pay OH tax AND VA fees?
  8. Disclaimer


    Punk finding the deals, FTW!
  9. I liked the Resident Evil flicks (ohhh, the things I would do to Milla Jovovich) And I second the recommendation of American Psycho... disturbingly awesome! 28 Days Later was pretty good - I guess I don't watch too much of the Horror genre so much as the 'dark' and disturbing type movies. Like Spun.
  10. I was told that sweetest day was the anti-Valentines day. As in, the men buy women gifts in February, and the women buy men gifts in October. Either way, it was not celebrated in my household, unless you count a dinner @ CiCi's Pizza as a Sweetest Day gift. And blast! I paid for it.
  11. You're not in a good spot in the PNW if you're missing Mansfield...
  12. Disclaimer


    The 'R's retail for $500 over MSRP of the CRs, so...??
  13. Disclaimer


    Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit... at that price, I can have it painted.
  14. Disclaimer


    Where is that? I'll leave RIGHT now.
  15. Because new wheels are cheaper than a new girlfriend.
  16. I've got a 1994 Cutlass Supreme Convertible... if you're interested in a car.
  17. Now I has a sad, you don't like my taste in wagons... The joyride is a good idea though, if it wasn't 2 hours away for me.
  18. It's cool, it's yours. I don't have the space or desire to own one at this point in my life. BMW's to me are like dogs and children - they're much more fun to play with your friends' than to have your own. Good luck, but if you get it, I'd like to take it for a spin just for the experience of driving a BMW wagon.
  19. Or, is it a reverse psychology ploy to get me NOT to call on the BMW tomorrow morning. J/k
  20. You've already given too much info... I spot a Roush Mustang, a BMW 525 (that wagon is baller, btw), an Audi, a Corvette. The rest of the cars are just regular vehicles. If I was a betting man, I'd wager you're looking at the 525
  21. I'm just playing. I have a truck. 2003 with less than 30k on it, but sadly it's not a fullsize If I could ever swallow my pride pride enough to drive an F150, it would be the Lightning or the HD model because of the Supercharged V8. So I wish you luck with the sale. I just figured you would take a little bustin' your balls in this thread for a few free bumps. If the conversation gets good enough, I may even continue bumping this thread throughout the week for you. 'cuz I'm a nice guy like that.
  22. I'd consider it, but it's worth nothing to me without the pinstripe.
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