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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Be sure to 'friend' me on the Junkies site (TShrtBurnr)
  2. I'm not an Obama lover so much as I was a McCain hater. And humor ranks MUCH higher on my scale of important things than political debates on the interwebz. You haven't been on here long have you I really don't sit and dwell on what people say here, I hope no one else does either... it's more of a critical thinking, educational time-killer for me than anything else. I learn things (people skills, current events, different perspectives) so regardless of whether you AGREE or DISAGREE with my opinion - it forces me to at least validate it or change it.
  3. Disclaimer


    Better ride the SV before I winterize it... the 'busa is up for the season.
  4. Disclaimer


    Money just doesn't fall out of MY girlfriends vagina... Besides, all your leads dried up, so I'm still chasing deals...
  5. Disclaimer


    WTF are you smokin!? Thats the only one that IS worth it. Thunderstorm......pppffffbbbttt.
  6. Disclaimer


    And more importantly, do you take it off any sweet jumps?
  7. Disclaimer


    I did that the other day, but didn't see anything beyond what I noted previously - I guess I should've figured that the swingarm was different given the ever-so-slightly different dimensions. I like the higher ground clearance of the CR, and I'm sure the MPG hit is due to the taller rear. I don't like that it's an inch WIDER than the 'R', but all the other specs are less than an inch one way or the other. I like that the 'R' has much more lighting wattage. I'm a huge fan of having a headlight that illuminates things like the freakin' sun, but that wouldn't deter me from getting a CR. Now, find me that same chart, but put my SV and 1st Gen Hayabusa into it too. That's the kind of detail I wanted to know... different part number. I'm a huge fan of the belt drive, since I haven't changed sprockets on my other two bikes and probably won't, I don't think that'll be an issue.
  8. Disclaimer


    Different belt for the different "sprocket" (more teeth)... the swingarm difference is interesting though, didn't know about that... just a length thing? (I suppose that would affect the belt too)
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHnBeyOlvjU&feature=player_embedded
  10. Disclaimer


    From what I've read... there isn't just a couple slight difference between the Rs and CRs The CRs has a taller gear, for quicker accel, but lower top speed Bars are different Streetfighter vs. full fairing But I thought everything else was equal. The engine and weight are exactly the same - it's not a 'detuned' version of the 1125 mill, it's the SAME 146hp powerplant. Is there some other difference I'm missing? I bet the CR is cheaper to insure too, because it's not an 'R' bike.
  11. Ha! Kosmo wrote an Indian joke... Indian (teepee) not Indian (curry)
  12. Disclaimer


    Electric bikes only... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090821035531AAwmxyY Though, regular bikes get to take sales tax off.
  13. And I know a girl I used to be friends with who got knocked up at 19, had the kid, and will tell you with a straight face she regrets it. Not only that, but the kid has had to go through the custody battles and the immature things people do (using their kids as pawns) to get revenge for a jilted relationship. Is it better to raise a child in the foster system, or a child that has neglectful parents that really don't want them? That can't be any good quality of life after all the psychological damage you've done to the child. Not to mention if parents turn a blind eye to abuses (sexual or physical) on their own child because of their apathy.
  14. And the truth shall set you free. That's pretty much how a lot of pro-choice view this issue. So - I think we've found common ground here.
  15. No' date=' the child is the victim, and the murderer victimiz[b']es. What do you want to focus on? I'm focusing on the punishment aspect of the murderer. The victim of abortion is murdered as is the victim of a murderer...so that's pretty much moot - they're both victims and we feel bad for them. So, focusing on the murderers...it's just semantics that we use the term abortion to hide the fact that it's murder, and the term murderer to hide the fact that it's a mother, correct? So in effect, its equitable to compare a murderer (mother) who chooses to murder (abort) a victim (child) out of convenience or personal gain, and should be treated accordingly - given your stance on this issue, your morals and your values. Right?
  16. I don't understand how you can draw a hard line in the sand stating "Abortion is wrong, regardless of circumstances", but I'm not allowed to draw the same line saying "Murder is wrong, regardless of circumstances" Same thing. If you won't allow for exceptions for valid reasons to abort, then I don't have to allow for exceptions for valid reasons to not use the justice system to put someone to death.
  17. If the guy was smart, he would've put a keg of his beer in a untethered homemade hot air balloon - that seems to get the word out about a cause.
  18. Their solution is abstinence. Don't talk about sex, don't think about sex, and if you do, you're dirty and should be feel ashamed of yourself for being such an impure being in the eyes of the Lord.
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