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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I thought we had a "People of Walmart" thread, but I couldn't find it. Just wanted to post that the photo I submitted (on the right) finally made it to the site... months later. http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/53750/wwib-fudge-me/
  2. I can be persuaded to go tonight if anyone else wants to go. Perfect weather.
  3. I'd enjoy a movie with a happy ending. Not enough of those now-a-days.
  4. To their credit, I've never been shot at or anally raped at my mall. And not for lack of trying... Maybe they work in NEO.
  5. It'll also hurt the banks' profit margin on a high interest loan. There's a sucker born every minute.
  6. Ahh, the S2000's... for when you don't want to go full flamer and get the cheap Miata. You must be trawling for only the finest of the classy gay hoes. Bite the bullet, finance it, and get a new BRZ. Moar funner, not lbts, and way less And I can't stress it enough that you get the BRZ and NOT the FRS. Pretty much the same car, but I'd put money on the BRZ holding better resale.
  7. SV's do. Plus they have a monster "pavement scraper / extender" on them
  8. I prefer left turns... I can use my kickstand as a feeler gauge for my lean angle. On the right side, it's my peg or my exhaust
  9. You guys aren't taking into account a multitude of factors that makes it ok for Harley guys to drink and ride. "It's ok" Fact 1) BMI - most are obese or above, so a 350# guy can have 80oz of 5% ABV beer (4-20s) in a half hour and still be under the 0.08% legal limit (.0782% to be exact - http://www.drstandley.com/food_calculators.shtml) "It's ok" Fact 2) High tolerance - many have already built up a tolerance to alcohol which further allows them to be 'high functioning' drunks. "It's ok" Fact 3) Intelligence - Harley riders have shown they are far and above the mere average intelligence of other motorcycle riders. What idiot would wear a helmet, gloves, and leather jacket when it's 90-freaking-degrees out? Obviously someone lacking intelligence. HD riders are able to just apply this "common sense" approach to drinking and riding. So, think about it a little harder before you bag on those of above average weight (and intelligence) for drinking and riding - especially since they're the ones with experience doing it.
  10. $25/hr for a minimum of 5 hours + tips. So $125 for you to walk around naked as "eye-candy" and serve drinks. How about I give you all the beer you can drink to stand naked in my backyard for 4 hours, and you don't have to work or serve anyone.
  11. Me, my ol' man and Uncle Pinkerton (on a sweet W650 no less) were down there for an hour or two. It's a long ride from Cleveland to see a show like that. Wish there would've been a bigger turnout - though we did see Tom and gen3 bumped her uglies against mine... so I had that going for me.
  12. IMH(umble)O - business degrees aren't all they're cracked up to be. I hope you're not spending an extra-ordinante amount of money or time on it. You'd be better off learning how to code better like that other guy.
  13. Yea, cliches abound, but I'm kind wondering if there's more to the story of "self taught, six figure"-guy up there. He may have mad skills, but I'm guessing he caught a lucky break here or there between opportunities and who's in his 'network'.
  14. Methinks me and the old man might cruise down to watch this spectacle.
  15. $100,050.64 Go Money Market go!
  16. Fat people are proof that Americans have no self-restraint when it comes to food. That being said, as long as you have private health insurance or proof of independent wealth to cover all the ailments that are symptoms of being unfit and/or obese -- then drink away. But if you receive Medicare/Medicaid or are uninsured and myself and/or other taxpayers are footing the bill -- then this mandate could be fair game. Problem is, if you're fat before you hit Medicare age then it still becomes the taxpayers' problem regardless of if you were privately insured during your younger, more resilient years. If you can afford to be fat, you can afford to cough up another $0.50 for each refill you buy.
  17. Not to hijack, but I've always wanted a GSXR600, an S1000RR, a CBR1000RR and a giraffe. Which one would be most practical for my commute?
  18. I don't care who is in office, I just want the truth. Then I can judge for myself whether I want those people in those high up poliical positions making those kind of moral and ethical calls.
  19. Bump. I'm not planning on going out tonight, unless I can roundup a few that wanna go.
  20. How many CBXs you think will show? Ohh, and both links are broken in your OP. http://www.vjmc.org/ http://events.ironpony.com/index.php?eID=20
  21. That's the funny thing with priorities... everyone's are different. It just so happens that by using statistical methods and cost/benefit analysis, it becomes a lot less subjective as to where the priorities should be regardless of who agrees with them.
  22. It's true. One man's party is another man's riotfest. It all depends what color you are.
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