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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. And, as I stated, my record isn't 100% blemish-free, but you know as well as I do that the "racist" comment was a sarcastic response to mock your hypocrisy in a thread where you clearly wanted everyone to know how brash you were. I don't recall ANY other times I've called you a name and I think you'd be hard pressed to find more examples than that ONE. It's you that fancy the derogatory labels, the asshat emoticons, and the exclamatory insults. It's good asking for help where you know you're deficient, I haven't berated that. But, it's funny you keep telling ME to grow up, when you're leaving visitor messages on my wall And even took the trouble to PM me during my hiatus to poke at me. It seems it's you that wants to antagonize me, not me antagonize you. I've don't think I've ever initiated any communication with you, yet you leave visitor messages, PMs, comment on my photos, use my screenname in other threads, leave me negative rep (which I've never retaliated with). The only thing I feel I'm guilty of, is continually stirring the pot with you just so you can publicly show that you have maturity issues. If you don't like what the "public" has to say, then don't put it in public and you won't have to throw your e-tantrums.And don't get me wrong, I'm not offended by the "asshat" or "fuck off!" or any of the political terms you like to associate negative connotations with that you may think are clever jabs... I dish it out, I can take it. It just shows how small-minded your views are and your general ignorance of the world around you. Bolded for the massive irony. And for historical purposes before the great deer slayer locks this up, IBTL and IBIP!!!
  2. I've been nothing but civil, no swearing, no name calling. That's your route, and while I'm not 100% blemish-free, I don't stoop to it very often.I offered to look at your issue from an alternative perspective and try to encourage some self-reflection on what your goals and motives really are for this thread and I get nothing in return but swearing and immaturity. I still stand by the fact that if your personality and political philosophy that you've shown in your fervent posts in many of the threads can't handle disagreements without resorting to the forum equivalent of temper tantrums and without doing a little critical thinking of your own, then you may not yet have the necessary emotional intelligence to handle a child. You may build that skill set as you mature and you may also be financially savvy enough by that point to know the correct path.
  3. Wait... so it was YOU? Or you just hold the intellectual property?
  4. Such language and closed-mindedness :tsk:tsk:tsk: With that attitude I don't think you have the maturity to handle the financial and emotional needs of a child. You can't even cope with adults on the internet having a rational discussion.
  5. Moar butthurtedness, someone needs hugz seriois question for... 05-15-2012 06:03 PM crb FUCK OFF!
  6. Even if I gave advice you wouldn't take it anyway regardless of whatever credentials I had to give it, so that's a lose-lose. Instead, I'm more interested in your motivation about why YOU, specifically, want to setup an educational nest egg for your potential future offspring, since you may have bigger problems than finances if your kids turn out to not think like you once they're educated.
  7. I'm just kind of curious why crb wants to send his kids to college.... College Makes You Liberal Also, isn't it kind of conflicting from your political views? Have the kids pay their own way IF they decide they want college, don't give them that social safety net. And if you insist on giving them welfare off your financial teat, the least you can do is charge them 6.4% interest or better on the money you LOAN them. And IF they decide they want to go to college, are you planning on forcing them into a major? It'd be kind of silly to spend $100k at a college for a degree that only makes $25k/yr... so you're going to have to set some ground rules on your children "pursuing their dreams" or "pursuing their financial independence" because those aren't always 100% mutual.
  8. Uncle Punk is worried that with this new move, he'll have to purposefully wreck to continue to get the mouth-to-mouth services you provide to him.
  9. http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2012/05/14/motorcyclist-killed-in-eaton-township-crash/ Semi-related.
  10. If you search for "Gay Animals" at work You're gonna have a bad time.
  11. You're good until chord is showing
  12. Maybe it's just the photo, but that IC looks very hard to read in the sun... I dunno if I like that. Problems I have with the rest of the bike:
  13. I think the OP learned his lesson, but to be fair the OP was probably upset because there's a double-standard. I know I've ridden numerous times with nothing but my twin glock 40s, flapping my arms like a chicken looking for my $1.85 while I was running from the choppa.... and no LEO's ever stopped me for doin' it.
  14. Nothing to do with your thread, but what are you majoring in at OSU? That may help us get a picture of where the foundation of your decision making process lies. I'm guessing it's not biology or engineering.
  15. You want a cop to get shot in the dick for giving you a ticket? That is the "fucking head" right?
  16. America is gay with Canada, we should recognize it.
  17. for when the 'defenders of bigotry' proceed with rebuttals.
  18. This means you have to stop educating yourself if you're gonna go 100% right wing hillbilly. (protip: Everyone knows you never go full hillbilly)
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1Q7cP3ij5g They're talking to you Porter... "long haired freaky people need not apply"
  20. Sorry about the ladyfriend dude. Do you have a list of mods besides what's in this thread: http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=87939 Do you have the VIN that we could run?
  21. Did you also know "FORWARD" is a Slogan. The etymology of the word slogan is a Gaelic word meaning "battle cry". Who is Obama battling? Probably capitalism. You know who else had a battle? Hitler, Ghengis Khan, and Eminem in "8 mile". Therefore Obama is Eminem and Hitler and Ghengis Khan all in the same person with the powers of thwarting capitalism when he's within 8 miles of the white house. Don't trust me, do your own research. Donald Trump is also a capitalist who owns casinos and real estate, so if you vote for Obama it's like a vote for Eminem to gamble all your money away in Trump's casino, which if you really think about it, is pure socialism somehow.
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