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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. FW: FW: FW: FW: You will get the AIDS My neighbor's brother's dog once got AIDS for posting crap on a forum and for starting an entirely new thread devoted to it when there's two threads already full of similar crap. (factcheck.org/totallygullible) Obama hates white people + Romney's secret Mormon agenda against the Christians = America in the toilet. Tag: #Idontwanttoliveonthisplanetanymore #Postthiscrapsomewhereelse #liberalscum #conservativeracists #hellinahandbasket Forward this message to everyone in your address book, e-mail, Facebook, Twitter, NAMBLA forum, Reddit, and Tinfoilhatclub.com or else you will have bad luck for 7 years, get AIDS, and your cat will claw your face for no apparent reason
  2. Re: intrusion prevention -- the only thing you did by taking off today was swap your keyboard for your anus.
  3. We do? The first heart transplant was in South Africa, btw.
  4. http://news.cnet.com/8301-1009_3-57457470-83/code-crackers-break-923-bit-encryption-record/
  5. You can pick whatever arbitrary baseline you want for this experiment, but when doing analysis, the RFROR is the baseline.
  6. The true baseline is always the Fed rate on T-bills which is generally accepted as the risk-free rate of return. http://www.bankrate.com/rates/interest-rates/treasury.aspx So using the short term 3-month rate.... 0.095% or $100,007.81
  7. Then the money market (baseline) with the paltry .84% APY finishes with: $100,069.06 Everyone that does worse should let someone else manage their money.
  8. Meh, to your credit... the original link in the other thread doesn't work anymore... so, you kinda half contributed.
  9. Search on the web... how about search on the forum?! Edit: Damn, Brown beat me to it.
  10. Wow... you are a Republican talking point machine over there. 50% pay no FEDERAL taxes due to them being elderly or "working poor", but most of that 50% very well do pay taxes. http://www.politicususa.com/half-americans-taxes.html As was pointed out earlier... do you take the standard deductions when you file your taxes? Mortgage interest? Then you're a welfare queen buddy.
  11. Some get them... like huge conglomerates who benefit the most from the this consumer driven economy, but then take all the spoils out of this country (on paper only)... yea that's fair. And that's a horrible example because if you use that analogy the people with the "coupons" are getting $4 off gallon to fill up their Porsches, Bentleys, Ferraris, and Lambos, while the regular folks have no coupons and fill up their Taurus and Impalas. I'm not playing stupid, you'll have to clarify your exact definition of welfare because if you think corporate taxes are mostly going to pay "lazy people who just collect a check everything for nothing" -- then you're more ignorant than I thought.
  12. The point was.. the ACTUAL tax rate is pretty meaningless. Why even bother with that number? Kind of like how the MSRP on a vehicle is meaningless, who pays MSRP for anything? That's just an artificial starting point to brag to your buddies what a great deal you got. I didn't realize you have an expanded definition of welfare... you literally mean welfare, as in the military is welfare because it protects the welfare state? That's kind of a broad definition and useless to make your point isn't it?
  13. Ahhh, my favorite logical fallacy. http://www.logicalfallacies.info/presumption/slippery-slope/ 1% tax penalty rate for not having insurance of $695 = $69500/yr, right? Unless you were projecting in the future... you didn't make that clear That's all it was, luck. Until then, complain about it. My g/f is a good cook, but I don't know what my g/f is cooking for dinner, I just know that I won't like it. Really? You're gonna play the martyr-card on one of the various hypothetical reasons I could be charged with your health-carelessness. I don't know you, I haven't met you, but I must've touched a nerve there with you, so maybe I've gotten lucky and guessed the truth? I dunno, but get over yourself. That link works, but I didn't play around with NOT having insurance in the prior link because I filled it out as if I had insurance. I don't really care about the people that already HAVE insurance, it's the ones without right now that worry me and makes me upset when you figure out why a hospital charges $6 for a single Q-tip - to cover the folks that don't pay for their own care. Respouting Republican talking points without the research... love it. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2012/03/30/456005/reminder-corporate-taxes-very-low/?mobile=nc ZOMFG!! All these taxes... these poor corporations that have to pay them. Wait, no they don't. http://ctj.org/corporatetaxdodgers/ Finally, I especially want to see the data that shows that most corporate taxes go to ACTUAL welfare. You can't cite "my butt" as a reliable source of information.
  14. Failboat Brian. This was your chance to sell him an Austrian vtwin. Seriously, I know the 750s and 1ks are cheap and plentiful, but if you are REALLY REALLY sure that you're gonna miss the 'busa torque, you should be hunting for SV1ks, Ducatis, or KTMs (see: baller status for the latter two suggestions) -- you're gonna have much more fun on a lightweight twin than a lightweight i4-bike. That is, if fun is your goal and not laptimes.
  15. Which is exactly why that idea would never fly. Look, I'm a pretty stoic guy. My threshold for compassion isn't as low as others', but I can still empathize and realize that idea would not resonate with the vast majority of people. That being said -- just tell me the rules of the game, and I'll play the best I can within those rules. If the rules are no one gets treated without insurance or some way to verify your ability to pay, then you better believe insurance would be a priority for me.
  16. I'm still not following (and your link brings up a 404-esque error this time). If you're uninsured NOW -- then I want you to buy insurance since I'll still be footing YOUR bill for any medical issues you're involved in. Be it stubbing and breaking your toe, or getting into a car accident, or because you're fat and out of shape, or wrecking a bike while you're daydreaming about Obama being out of office in 6 more months -- unless you have some stockpile of funds that you plan on paying the hospital for your medical care. If you don't want insurance, because you're better at life and health than statistics, then pay your 1% of your income tax -- as a single man making near $70k/yr, you can afford the $695 to keep going w/o insurance.
  17. As soon as there's a law passed that says hospitals are not compelled to treat the sick or injured if they don't have insurance, I'd be on board with that. I just hope you somehow remember to pin your insurance information on your unconscious body before the "amber lamps" shows up --- and then drives away.
  18. It's Constitutional. And given the healthcare crisis in this country, it pretty much was the tipping point to institute a law following the "General welfare" clause. I don't think kicking people in the balls would promote general welfare - unless the requirements were IQ-based, or fitness-based (like 'everyone who can't run a sub-30 minute 5k' doesn't need to have fat lazy kids, so kick them in the nuts!).
  19. I don't need to have gone through a benefits exercise to understand the math. If my employer has 10 people on staff at 'x' salary and 'y'*10 benefits cost. If they add 3 more people, then they should increase the benefits pool to accomodate the three additional headcounts (y*13), not say "Well, everyone has the same benefits, it'll just be 10/13 * y now." So, my employer gets three additional people raising their productivity and profit, while I get my benefits reduced at the SAME workload. Not really a win for the employee, but a win-win for the employER. It would probably behoove you to dig a little deeper into the bill and what exactly it's affecting.
  20. It's not, just health care. The fact that, by and large, everyone uses it (with some oddball rare exceptions), and via the other thread: I don't know where you're pulling this information from and how it applies to this healthcare setting. No one is "giving away" anything.
  21. Back when a hamburger was a nickel and you could get a root beer float from the soda jerk for a couple pennies. So it's the gov'ts fault that healthcare is $300/mo (still dunno where you got that number from), not your employers for reducing your benefits coverage? Got it.
  22. So, all opposed can decide to pay the tax. We'd be having a different discussion if none of us ever used any portion of the health care system we have in this country, but the fact is most if not all persons are involved in the system at some point in their lives.
  23. http://www.scotusblog.com/2012/06/dont-call-it-a-mandate-its-a-tax/
  24. Breaking... ACA is upheld. http://www.scotusblog.com/cover-it-live/
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