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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I'd like to know what amount they'd request... then we can discuss your question Mr. Prez. Along with what other fringe benefits come with it (trackdays maybe?)
  2. Or, you could just have one of your hombres return the truck to Home Depot instead of parking it on the street....
  3. But he revealed he was set Wednesday to tell the UN gathering that 58 U.S. senators had signed a letter saying that they would refuse to ratify any treaty that includes controls over civilian guns or ammunition. Ratification by two-thirds of the Senate is necessary before an international treaty negotiated by the executive branch can become U.S. law. ^----- This is why, it'll never fly here and guns will be fine and safe. It's political posturing perpetuated by the fear mongering news media (coincidence it's foxnews? ). Go about your business, nothing to see here. Yea, it's all Obama... blame Obama for your ignorance. Ohh, and remember the DEMOCRATICALLY-controlled Senate is the one that ISN'T taking away your guns. So obviously if those liberal bastards are actually NOT condoning gun control, there's some other secret agenda that's going on because they can "do no right" in conservative's eyes. So, put on the tinfoil hats and let's come up with what that possible secret agenda is. And no cheating by letting Fox news tell you what you're supposed to think it is.
  4. Sucks for the rider, but that's one less fairing you'll need to buy for the salvage inspection.
  5. Twins suck, I'll reluctantly take the POS TL from you for a Chipotle gift card, and rid you of that paint-shaker plague so you can get a buttery smooth i4. You're welcome.
  6. The best thing from the xdtalk thread is "Carry Condition Butterscotch" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pU2IOTEZlU&feature=player_embedded
  7. Like to, but can't tomorrow. Unless it really is 8-8... then I've got enough notice, but that's on a Wednesday, so no.
  8. Meh. They need our refining capacity more than we need their oil at present.
  9. The "Hide Story" feature was one of the best things FB could do if you can't tear yourself away from it in the first place. The only family member I haven't blocked is my brother, and he's lucky to post something once a month, usually racing related. Abstinence is always the best policy, just ask all the people arguing politics on Facebook.
  10. I'd need the 650 to truly complete my copper set, but I have a "no third bike policy" glws
  11. This. I'm biased GM, but if I could snag a deal on one of those, I'd have one.
  12. Halo should be called "Jump around and pray your grenades do some splash damage" If I didnt get the game for free, I wouldnt have it. Totally worthless vs real games like BF3 or CoD
  13. Oooo... I wonder how expensive A/M parts for a Triumph are (should the unthinkable occur)? Maybe less cash + SV1k as collateral? #thinkingoutloud #halfserious I just can't bring a 3rd bike home, so I'd rather hang with all you guys with "spare bikes" and let me lease it for a day to cover tires + residual wear and tear... along with a 'deposit' to cover any accidents.
  14. Since I didn't win tickets to Roverfest...
  15. That's quite an eclectic group - pics are req'd.
  16. You'd easily be able to outrun a modded anything in Ohio - no turns. Even a supercharged rotflcopter.
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