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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I'd be on this, but I need another bike like I need a hole in the head. Unless I missed it... did you post the current mileage?
  2. I'll do anything for the right price... ...as most others would.
  3. And of course everything is "Just wait and see" like this administration has more of a powertrip than the last one and is coordinated enough to pull some ultra-evil scheme. Bush enacted the "Patriot Act", not Obama. Everyone is so quick to forget the lessons of the past and accuse the present for the future.
  4. I don't know how you get out of bed each morning with all that heaviness on your mind. Why is everything so dramatic? ZOMFG!!! English will be OUtLAWZED. We'll all be speaking Muslim. ALL OUR BASEZ R BEloNG 2 TH3M! Note: Yes, I know "Muslim" isn't a language
  5. Because he's a masochist who chooses his bikes based on emotions and beauty rather than logic. At least that's what Gemma told me.
  6. That's a pretty big IF. But, I'd feel the same way. How about we save the bitching and moan to stuff that actually has some substance? I wouldn't care if Bush won 7 Grammy's for reading a dramatic account of "The Pet Goat" - it's petty and trivial in the grand scheme of things.
  7. But look at the difference... Bush bashing because 'Mission Accomplished' over 6 years ago and starting a preemptive war with a sovereign nation vs. Obama bashing because he won some awards. Those 'bashings' are on equal planes? I see there's a difference between the two. If that's all the Obama bashers have to bitch about, I think ya'll are doing pretty well. Not that Obama is perfect, but he's no where near the epic fail Bush was.
  8. 1125CR, if I was going to get one... Hoooooooooligan
  9. What a load of crap... I'm glad I didn't watch that live, I would've been fuming. Bumping someone is one thing - that's a 45 mph hairpin turn on Laguna, putting them in a wall on a fast straightaway is another. Porsche can be whiners, but Magnussen and the vette pull on the Porsche on the straights... so Jorg should've attempted the block, then maybe a rub, then let him go. Don't be an asshat driver. Not only could he've been killed, but he just destroyed a ton of expensive equipment.
  10. Pretty soon the whole board will be a Google Wave... so vBulletin won't matter anymore... <tinfoil hat> Google controls everything.
  11. Wheez needs to post the date and time he stamped Ninjachk.
  12. Looks too 'cutesy'. I'm trying to envision it w/ the OR skin. I know it's all Web 2.0 and junk, but I dunno - I don't think the members here would even tap into all the features offered, they probably don't now on 3.0 either. NEED to see a DEMO! (and a feature compare chart to v3.0)
  13. No more than if they'd whored their bodies out in bikinis for a car wash... if that's acceptable, a calendar would be more acceptable because creepers wouldn't be there "in person" to oogle.
  14. Depending on age... kids don't care about the trophies or winning or losing anyway (if they're young enough). I'd say about 8-9yrs old is when you probably need to start weening the "participation" awards away, but under that - they're learning the sports, being active, and just having a good time. I wouldn't deprive them of that. But, I disagree that nothing is better than "socialized little league".
  15. A regular 3.6L CTS would be a MUCH better buy at that price point.
  16. If you'll do it as a fundraiser, I may be able to talk a class full of dental hygiene prospectives into taking a few pics... That might be better than the car/bike wash they were planning next summer.
  17. Funniest dick move of the day... better yet it's on tape! I feel bad for the pedestrians, but can't stop laughing. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/6306995/Motorist-could-be-fined-for-splashing-children.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=On1drhgxGWU&feature=player_embedded
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