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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I understand that. For as much international diplomacy he's been recognized for, it's been at the expense of a 'civil war' here - for various reasons, some less rational than others. I also agree there. I don't think I would've given him the prize, but then again I'm not on the board or exactly intimate with ALL that he HAS done (He did close GITMO, didn't he? - That's one step in the right direction, no?). So, it does tarnish the prize in the sense that it cheapens the other winners (like you said), and the fact that it was more of an award for "not being a Bush" than his efforts.
  2. Regardless of how you feel about Obama, this demonstrates the huge collective sigh of relief of the world from the last administration. It was so bad that Obama could win this just on promises.
  3. This finally came back on the homepage today. This is exactly what he looked like on that day... wardrobe and all.
  4. Only posted because the rep is turned off, otherwise the Coshocton guys and Sam would've BLASTED me.
  5. Thats a Roehr. Supercharged Harely Evo engine. Not keen on the price tag, not to mention it handles almost as well as a 'busa. Here's a ride review: http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/16/4382/Motorcycle-Article/2010-Roehr-1250SC-First-Ride.aspx A Ducati, it is not. Imagine the kind of Ducati you could get for just a little bit more $$$... ohh wait, I don't have to.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVc2ymSfGOU
  7. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=35858
  8. As it's been said...some casino profit is better than no casino profit, eh? 50/50 still wouldn't be a bad split for an owner. Make it a bidding process. Start at 50%, and if no one agrees to build one, lower it to 45%, and two guys might jump at the opportunity. Then, they're set at 45% rate. Then the rest of the casino owners can get no better rate than 45%. Unless it's put to a vote again. Someone will cave and bite at a higher rate because the 'first mover' opportunity is a premium.
  9. I don't think the debate is "something better than nothing" The debate is whether a 'flawed' policy should be implemented in the first place. It's not fair to the casino owners to decide 3 years down the road to increase their tax rate because someone over/underestimated some figures. I'd rather start high and move to low, than try to work the other way. I bet even at a 50% tax rate it'd still be profitable to own/operate a casino.
  10. Are Pratt, Mj, and Yota all on the same 'cycle' now?
  11. For the regional monopoly they do get, the tax rate should be higher than 33%... just saying. I'm still undecided.
  12. Here's the WV Code: http://www.legis.state.wv.us/WVCODE/Code.cfm?chap=29&art=25#25 Here's the PA Code: http://www.pgcb.state.pa.us/files/legislation/Current_Statute_Title_4.pdf Along with an additional Bill in 2006: http://www.pgcb.state.pa.us/files/legislation/Senate_Bill_862_-_November_1_2006.pdf Here's the MI Code: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/PA69_56070_7.pdf Now... whoever wants to look through all this mess and create a nice spreadsheet on the differences on each state as far as license fees, taxes, % tax distribution to what 'causes', etc, etc.... be my guest. And throw the Ohio proposal on there as well.
  13. Hey, you and me both. The yard looks better now though.
  14. A word or two on why (yes or no) would be helpful for the uninformed....
  15. Sounds like you're in need of tough love and perspective. The way I see it, you have two choices to maintain your integrity, dignity, and independence. 1) Sack up. Tell your supervisor that you'll make it into work, period (assuming you're not habitually late). And you invest in some winter gear and ride the R6. 2) Sell the bike and get a car - the bike is a want, the car is a NEED. And it's even more of a NEED now that work is having concerns. It'd be great if you can find someone here to help you out, but IMHO I see a guy with a newer motorcycle that could put that money towards a vehicle. I know I went through the same thing when I was younger. I bought a cheap bike, and a cheap car that were within my budget and I sucked it up for a few years - no bars, no vacations, nothing - just save money so I could have things. Priorities my friend, and sorry, but a bike isn't a priority if considering the other issues and concerns in your life that you posted up. Or maybe I'm just saying all this out of jealousy that I couldn't have a nicer bike when I was younger?
  16. You'd be surprised what you can hide on a 'busa.... IRL, is serious business.
  17. No, he fails because it's Coors.
  18. busy? Did you forget to check one of the 17 devices you're constantly logged on with?
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