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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I dunno. I'd need to see how hot Brandon's significant other is to really make that judgement call. :ttiwwop:
  2. Entry says $1250 OTD ($1000 ride and $250 for the GPS unit)... http://americanmotorcyclerally.com/registration.php Not bad if you can get a sponsor. 100 people pitching in $20. Or 200 people pitching in $10. May be close enough to defray your hotel costs for the event. You'd just have to cover food (~$20/day * 9 days = ~$200) and gas (which at 38mpg and $4/gal = ~ $740) -- so Raise $2000, and then chip in $1000 of your own + vacation time. I'll spend my vacation days and the seat time on the bike if y'all raise the ALL the money for me (read: $3000 minimum total). I'd even let you pick which bike I suffer on - the Hayabusa or the SV1k (or a loaner bike of at least 250cc). Any prize money won to be split between 'sponsors' per their contribution percentage, less any actual shipping/handling costs.* *Actual details to be discussed and agreed upon within reason.
  3. Lifehacker does a writeup each year on the "major" companies pranks... spoiler alert. http://lifehacker.com/5898115/your-2012-april-fools-day-prank-spoiler
  4. Zingo franchises across the US too. Featured on Top Gear USA just last week.
  5. If you french fry when you should've pizza'd - you're gonna have a bad time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxdwiOwF0VU&t=14 Also, don't hamfist the front brake at 120mph - you're gonna have a bad time. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxdwiOwF0VU&t=14][/ame]
  6. My e-mails don't get returned... I sent information on a home insurance quote on Sunday and haven't gotten a response. I need this stuff in writing.
  7. Congrats, hope to see you riding around town!
  8. When I finally get 'em out... only one of two guys around with copper colored sportbikes... can't miss me.

  9. By the new Walmart... Southside (Chesnut Ridge, Sugar Ridge Area)

  10. I was looking at your build thread... We might be neighbors. Some of the background houses look familiar.

  11. "I really like your bike and I'd love to have it -- I can give you $2500 for it."
  12. Disclaimer


    This is the first time I've stumbled across this image on the homepage. lulz.
  13. There are a few of us in the surrounding area... you'll have to wait for the summer and just find us at the meet spot (Circle K @ Rt 82/83 in Grafton)

  14. I <3 you sometimes too Mj

  15. Classy. Besides liberal, fuckstick, and douchebag, there any other labels you want to personally adorn me with while the getting is good? Also, start making sure you give me those labels so you don't have to have the mental strain of judging me as an individual, but lumping me in with whatever preconceived views you have for those labels. It works for Charles from Salem, could work for you too. I never said anything about how anyone, regardless of political party, race, creed, sex, religion shouldn't do something nice or act a little altruistic for the holidays. You guys were the one to turn it into "bash the liberal asshat for pointing out there's piss in our Wheaties, when he should just let us enjoy our Wheaties", whatever. The "holier than thou" crowd can continue to judge the poor and moan about welfare via the anecdotes they read about someone abusing the system, while they continue to pat themselves on the back for doing something nice during the holidays, because they "chose" to give, rather than be forced to via taxes. Paying off someone's layaway purchases may be a nice gesture and a moral victory, but no one seems to want to look at the root cause of why these people are down on their luck and help them out with a long term solution to their problems. Yet, there are people (including some on this board) who have nothing but disdain for the poor, regardless of if they're working or not, they make judgements and assumptions and have no problem voicing them in other threads, but for some reason, when it's spun from the angle of "We are givers", it's nothing but praise and self-congratulations. I don't understand that. Whatever you say, sir. I'll be sure to mind my P's and Q's so as not to offend anyone's differing viewpoints on here since they obviously can't handle it. I will be assimilated.
  16. Really? Moved to a whole separate thread... wow. Thin skin around here.
  17. You keep your political views out of this thread IP! Because those guys up there said so and will call you mean names if you don't!
  18. Buncha babies... sorry you guys can't handle a little reality thrown in your face. Besides, I modified my sentiments -- sorry to kill the mood, but jeez you are sensitive. Do I need to get a hurt feelings report filed?
  19. That's nice and all, but how do we know these people who can't afford toys for their kids aren't the same people spending their welfare money on flat-screen TVs, cherry blunts, and Old Milwaukee? Right from the article... Get a job! Even if it's minimum wage... especially if you're struggling to put clothes on your kids Stay at home mother, c'mon. If your husband can't afford the bills for you and four kids on his own, then you need to pickup the slack! Seriously though, it's a very nice gesture and heartwarming that people pay-it-forward... but I have a hard time reconciling that people read stories like this and say how awesome it is, yet turn around and judge others on welfare when they don't know the circumstances. People do nice things for others - no one makes negative assumptions on how the 'others' got to where they are People use a WIC card or food stamps - judgement starts and people critique them on every other purchase or item they have. Just sayin'. Happy holidays!
  20. Disclaimer

    Flying Fish

    Lulz, the cat vid is pretty funny. Cool gizmos for a novelty item.
  21. That was Bush's fault. You don't understand the timeline of events? Study some history? Bush asked for war, publicly and falsely declares Iraq has WMDs (not to mention Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11) Congress approved Bush signs order, we go to a war for almost a decade in a sovereign country using funds we didn't have (since he was simultaneously giving huge tax breaks for the "job creators" who didn't create any jobs in the last decade). Obama wants economic stimulus Congress bickers, GOP stomps their feet takes their balls home because he's a Muslim with no real birth certificate Finally gets watered down stimulus, better than nothing Obama signs order So, yea...
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