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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. And here's an even better link that goes by state -- http://www.govtrack.us/congress/votes/112-2012/h192 Right down party lines in Ohio... hope some remember this the next time they vote.
  2. Overall, these are the tea-partiers and the other conservatives that America voted in there back in 2010 to protect America from Obama and big gov't... yet it's the conservatives that continue to push for big gov't spying on their own citizens without having to go through legal channels to do so. Both parties have their downsides, but if you had to make a choice between a welfare state and a police state... you better think hard about which is the lesser of those two evils. Casper's article hit it on the head -- So, when the debate comes back down to smaller gov't and protecting the Constitution, I don't think it's the Dems, Progressives, or Libertarians that should be thrown under the bus -- it's the hypocrites paying lip service to the above while doing the exact opposite. Actions > words.
  3. I'm not really sure why this is in "off-topic" and not in the "Political" section State of affairs in the house. Political groups Republican Party (242) Democratic Party (190) And if you want specifics on who in the house voted for it: http://www.scribd.com/doc/91448041/Final-Vote-Results-for-Roll-Call-192 Edit: John posted a better formatted version of the vote count by party line above...
  4. http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=315610&postcount=7 http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=499554&postcount=25 http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=61609&postcount=4
  5. There are written rules, and there are the actual rules And some of it is track-dependent.....
  6. His g/f didn't happened to be named Suuuuuuuuuuu-Zeee did she?
  7. http://jalopnik.com/5904776/is-a-3000-new-motorcycle-worth-riding http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKnwE1FJBFc
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3pTFFHzgOk
  9. thin skin brah? Romney and firearms 04-23-2012 11:23 PM crb
  10. You two should take your arguments off the interwebz... Only fascist, communist, Marxist, socialist liberal gov't lovers would use the 'net... DARPA circa 1960. I suggest you two meet up somewhere to discuss it in person, but I dunno how you could do that. I suppose you could communicate via FedEx or some other non-internet, non-telco private messenger carrier... But even FedEx drives on socialist, Marxist, communist roads. They may even use those fascist, liberal GPS satellites the socialists put into space. Hmmm, quite the pickle.
  11. Did you know Dick Goddard spontaneously formed when a freak radioactive lightning storm in 1806 struck a colony of 1562 Woolly Bears that mutated into an immortal humanoid-meteorologist? x 1562 =
  12. I wanna hear the music the video is being put to first.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57Bs5h9nFJM Or more like.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUC4UObnhLk
  13. Pretty sure I saw you riding while I was mowing my yard today. I have a Joe Rocket Sonic 2.0 (semi-retired), and an A* jacket (both leather), SMX Plus Boots, KBC TK7 helmet (retired), Spidi gloves (retired), now using a Bell helmet and Held gloves. But, truth be told, I won't always wear an armored jacket, gloves, or race boots when riding around town, though a helmet is pretty much mandatory for me anywhere. I'll gear up fully for spirited rides except for just wearing regular jeans. I don't have pants, short of my full one piece power ranger suit (track only).
  14. All day and no one posted what I was talking about.... CDs! I can't do a "see deez" nuts joke if no one plays along w/ my setup. I can haz a disappointment. Srsly though, laddering CDs could be an easy place to keep cash and be liquid if you have the diligence to keep laddering them. Not a real good investment strategy though. Nor are cats (see above), unless you're farming them for meat and the OP pays you top dollar.
  15. You could always do the laddering thing with those... I forget what they're called, but you give the bank some money at a set interest rate for a certain period of time where they mature and you get the interest...
  16. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/2935105577.html Remember this is an AMAZING DEAL for a 13 yr old bike.
  17. I suppose a spaghetti eating contest would be biased.
  18. Hitchin' up the trlr now. Sux 2 B Imprez & MT.
  19. I understand it, but disagree that it's good advice for the layman. If you're gambling on both sides of the "field" on a time-relative basis, you can still lose money, moreso in fees and premiums for conducting those transaction types (option costs). I found this to be a more simple read on straddles and strangles... http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/straddle.asp http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/strangle.asp For the layman, multiple, diversified, mutual funds and high quality bond funds are easy to understand and buy for long term growth. Fees are minimal if you're not paying front or end loads, as well as looking for funds with an expense ratio of NO GREATER than 1% and a good Morningstar rating (another easy metric to understand for the typical folk). To each their own though. YMMV. Especially if you have a high risk/reward threshold, investment duration, and strategy focus.
  20. My personal portfolio in addition to my 401k is quite extensive and smells of rich mahogany. Here's my strategy, more or less: http://www.merriman.com/PDFs/UltimateBuyAndHold.pdf I'm well diversified and should I have EVER cashed in the entire portfolio, the most I would've lost was 2%, though right now, I'm well over 20% gain. But, for the less ambitious: http://www.getrichslowly.org/blog/2009/06/02/the-lazy-way-to-investment-success/
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