I don't see how a reasonable person CAN disregard this. If all Mr. Ramey would've said was "I just got done serving my time" and left it at that, then sure no big deal. But I dunno how you can just disregard the attitude and tone of the OP. And honestly, congrats on that. Sucks you got 2 years on the one charge that stuck, but beating most of them is pretty good. Actually, that's one of the things I found interesting about your appeal, saying you had, to paraphrase, "incompetent defense counsel". I dont know if you legitimately felt that way or if that's what you were advised to say in your appeal (I know lawyers sometimes throw a bunch of stuff out and hoping at least one of them sticks), but the fact that your defense team got you out of 3/4ths of the charges was proof enough to the appeals judges that your defense WAS competent. I just found that part interesting in an ironic twist sort of way. In regards to the busa... Your bike would waste my bone stocker but I'll probably be bracket racing a few times this summer, so if you wanna line em up for a bracket race, I'm down.