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  1. Arpaio is a real America douchebag. http://crooksandliars.com/jackie-mahendra/doj-arpaio-show-me-your-papers http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110525/ap_on_re_us/us_human_smuggling_arrests Furthermore - how can you applaud these raids when the businesses will now have to hire people that won't work for below minimum wage? That will be detrimental to their business and profit, and I know how pro-business your stance is.
  2. Hell, I'm sure you could probably just cut a check for it. It's not like they need real money. I wonder if I could convince them to let me short sell the car. I'd be rich.
  3. The closest call between a motorcycle and an SUV you’ll ever see http://jalopnik.com/5836536/the-closest-call-between-a-motorcycle-and-an-suv-youll-ever-see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TxEw1LunfM&feature=player_embedded
  4. May your drunken vag find the penii you've been looking for...
  5. Hell, if you're gonna turn it into an ORDN party... i'll hang out just to bust Kevin's chops. It's been awhile. I do have a wedding to go to though, so there may be a conflict, but if I'm available and you're meeting in the ghettos of Elyria, i'm game.
  6. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/2565806466.html His grammar is lazy, and he thinks vtwins are slow yet wants your thumper... hoookay then. This trader seems like a goober from his ad. I hope you get a deal, but I bet this guy thinks his turd is really a golden egg. Or, your first instinct about something being shady may be the correct one.
  7. I can get to the Rt 90/254 (Detroit Rd) exit in about 10-15 minutes -- so yea, I'm not planning on going anywhere until at least a quarter 'til 6 IF you need me. Or, give Speedy an excuse to ride out ^^^^ Unless you need TWO guys w/ guns.
  8. If you can change the meetspot Taco Bell at the Rt 90 / Rt 254 interchange I might be able to help you out. (Exit for LCCC) But, if it's at Midway, I'd miss my dinner reservation at 7:15. Ohh... and keep in mind I know NOTHING about decade-old Triumphs, and I'll be in semi-dress clothes so I probably won't be able to crawl around and under it.
  9. I'll be in Avon around that time (I think)... but if you're meeting at Midway, that's ghetto. jstumpalump150 is the resident Lorain County Trumpie expert.
  10. I've got a few videos (of not so great camera work) that my ol' man took, but I think it's just Jeff and I, since we were playing cat & mouse the whole day. But, here are some pics. And I'm pretty sure it's the coach, then Jeff, then me
  11. Disclaimer

    Harley Rant

    Didn't want to start a new thread, but this isn't going to help the HD stereotype. DRUNK BIKER RUNS FROM TROOPERS
  12. 1 in novice () and 1 in Intermediate.... the guy riding 'I' locked it up braking off the backstretch, guess he went down pretty hard.
  13. Good show, nice to get back out and dust the cobwebs off. I didn't know howabusa was there (You must've been the guy in the Busa Owners shirt?). Good to see Rob again and meeting your boy Jeff, he's a helluva rider. Thanks again for bringing the back protectors Brian.
  14. Case Study Drug Testing the Poor: Bad Policy, Even Worse Law Read more: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,2090871,00.html#ixzz1WZPiKKZ2
  15. Ron Paul: I don't accept the theory of evolution http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/08/29/scitech/main20098876.shtml RP was mentioned here too... When Republicans suddenly need government Faced with a natural disaster, Chris Christie brags of a strong response. But does the rest of his party get it? http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2011/08/29/christie_paul_fema
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