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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. What exactly am I supposed to be looking for there with regards to the debt that Bush's tax cuts ran up, wars, and such? For all the breaks Bush gave the wealthy, err, I mean, "job creators" they sure didn't create a lot of jobs compared to Bubba Clinton and his tax increases.... http://blogs.wsj.com/economics/2009/01/09/bush-on-jobs-the-worst-track-record-on-record/ The report in your link is regarding financial reform like the Dodd-Frank act, which has been infested with lobbyists and is so watered down it's pathetic. I'm just trying to make the full connection that what it has to do with this discussion beyond not bailing out gamblers on Wall Street.
  2. Was Djizzle there handing out the free wings he owes?
  3. Lots of good info in here... but, I'm a f*(kup when it comes to these things and I think I made my scratches worse trying to do a touchup and clearcoat job. The touchup looked fine, until I put the clear on it. It appears to have mixed with the paint and turned it a different shade and it's all wavy now instead of smooth. Anyone "know a guy" around here (Westside Cleveland area) that could fix a couple dime-sized areas on my fairings? I could attempt it myself, but it's probably better to let a pro do it when it comes to cosmetic parts. I'm hoping someone can do this pretty cheap (e.g. $50 + a case of beer or...)??
  4. Did she threaten to punchisize his face if he didn't let her?
  5. Speaking of GoPro videos... did that footage of our ride ever turn out Ohdaho?
  6. So you're the creeper they were talking about trying to pickup a 17yr old girl. Nice try old man.
  7. Next time I'm not traveling for work and can make a KTM day... bring them with you and I'll get one.
  8. Back protector required for I or A... that's why I'm always in novice anymore. I need to get one of those so I can run 'I'. I've never seen Black Tod's back protector, only seen him barebacking it with Inya.
  9. Are you black? I've heard he's not a fan of young black people. If not, you're probably good.
  10. If I was as dumb as I looked, I'd have trouble breathing. Luckily, using my brain pays the bills - not my oh-so-pretty face
  11. Time value of money. Start by taking all values and turning them into npv or taking them all to some set future value (9 yrs). Compare npv's and calculate 16% roi threshold... Viola
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/24/opinion/sunday/24sun4.html?_r=1 http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/07/the-chart-that-should-accompany-all-discussions-of-the-debt-ceiling/242484/
  13. For real... Diseased or not, it was mine.
  14. It used to just be a bunnyhole, then a shallow grave... now its a man cave. I don't wanna say Genfly gets around, but...
  15. Biohazard, I dunno if they'll let you. They didn't let me keep my diseased appendix after it ruptured. I wanted a new paperweight.
  16. Congrats, hope you'll be able to get paid after Aug 2nd
  17. Weekends are good, its the weekdays that are troublesome
  18. Perhaps. Preference for Saturday though...
  19. The federal tax burden is at its lowest level in 60yrs, so... I can agree that the tax code needs fixed, but "fixing" it is just another way of taxing the wealthy since they'll lose all the deductions they currently enjoy. Obama mentioned that in his speech last night. And I hope your 'profit sharing' idea was just trolling... because that's a HUGE incentive to promote corner cutting and denials of services. You can save millions only operating govt offices one day a week, or getting rid of Veterans benefits... I love incentivizing people managing a system to pad their pockets at the expense of the people stuck USING the system. Ya know, like the insurance industry, who has to be govt regulated to ensure 'good faith' behavior.
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