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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Obama really doesn't have much control over the idiots in the House. I just love how any compromise is evil. That's really how things have been done in this country. Forget logic and facts, just whine, cry, lie, stall, blame, and pray until you get your way. Or, you could take action...like that rightwinger in Norway.
  2. Republicans proposed the term limit deal back in the mid 90's...guess what happened when they were really pressed to 'put their money where their mouths were'? I suppose the GOP will continue to bank on how forgetful the American people are. This song and dance has been done before.
  3. World record blob jump http://gizmodo.com/5823404/watching-a-world-record-blob-jump-is-soaring-flying-fun
  4. NSFW http://jezebel.com/5823935/courtesy-of-the-french-the-weirdest-video-youll-see-today-nsfw
  5. I've never had someone tell me I'm being vague when they're staring down the barrel of my .45
  6. http://www.ohioriders.net/showpost.php?p=697605&postcount=9
  7. It made jalopnik now... Cop threatens to execute driver over concealed weapon permit http://jalopnik.com/5823543/cop-threatens-to-execute-driver-over-concealed-weapon-permit
  8. Yea... and there's about 1.1 seconds and 12mph difference between the time each of those machines gets the job done. I'll let you figure out which is which.
  9. Per the link: "The ITC is a quasi-judicial arbiter of trade complaints that has become the venue of choice for resolving patent disputes." I'm sure the ITC isn't something to be trifled with, but are they really the end-all-be-all ruling body? By definition above, it's unclear to me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasi-judicial_body
  10. I can use pliers to turn a screw, but a screwdriver would be better.
  11. I guess we'll find out who has the higher paid patent lawyers... obviously the whole goal is to write a patent as vague as possible to cover all permutations of an idea, but even if you're granted a patent via the USPTO/International bodies, that doesn't necessarily mean you'll win in court if it's too broad. If it's not settled and Apple really wants to press the issue -- it'll end up going to court for a judge to decide if the patent is too general (not specific enough) or not, because like tyler said... Apple's monopoly on any mobile OS would likely going to be ruled too broad. The details of what exactly makes up that patent will be hashed out and set as case precedent for any future infringements.
  12. That was a painful 17 mins. Officer was out of line, but I'm sure they're probably under some stress - no real excuse though. Some of the officer's commentary was totally unprofessional to put it politely. And even if the driver was 100% within his rights, he's definitely asking for trouble rolling around with a chick he knows from driving a cab and offering rides to other strangers in the middle of the night in a shady area of town. 100% legal, but he doesnt appear to be the brightest bulb in the bunch. Last minor side note, whoever transcribed that video needs a grammar and spell checker. "Anit-cop" and using 'and' instead of 'an' while asking for people to donate money just rubs me the wrong way.
  13. Bill Warner at it again...311mph in 1.5 miles @ Loring Maine Remember this is a NON-STREAMLINER ('sit on') record. The motorcycle streamliner record is 376mph by Rocky Robinson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kV-TzPTtauE&feature=player_embedded http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2011/07/onboard-and-inside-a-311mph-hayabusa/
  14. Originally from HellforLeather, but they chop the articles after 12 hours because it's a subscription-based blog... What Carmageddon taught the LA Fire Department about bikes http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2011/07/what-carmageddon-taught-the-la-fire-department-about-bikes/ Regardless, it links to the NBC LA article... http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Firefighters-on-Motorcycles-May-Be-a-Carmageddon-Keeper-125783058.html Video in the link...
  15. I heard there's a wing buffet now for $10... maybe I'll hit up the Sheffield one tomorrow after volleyball...?? I doubt it, but maybe.
  16. Have you traced the source to where/who got your number? Non-SSL transactions, using your card at a restaurant where the server swipes your card out of sight, etc? I'll usually use a credit card if the card physically leaves my sight vs. a debit card.
  17. Ninja isn't worried about the decreasing radius... there's just a field below, no guardrails.
  18. +1 Deer and other sizeable yet smooshable animals are my absolute biggest fear on a bike... Hell, I've seen enough videos on Youtube that you can't even guarantee those bastards stay off closed racing circuits, let alone roadways regardless of them being highways or backroads.
  19. It was the timewarp effect http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=80247 Your OP wasn't in the OP position when I first commented.
  20. What'd you torque the new bolts down to? Fingertight Fingertight + 1/4-turn Snug Snug + 1/2-turn Ultratight with 1/4" ratchet or Ultratight with 3/8" ratchet?
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