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Kip Drordy

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Everything posted by Kip Drordy

  1. Reading comprehension must not be your strong point, I never said it was you. But, thanks for pointing out that my long hair makes me gay Dr. Phil, I wouldn't have known without you. And seriously long hair gay jokes? Way to hit that softball out of the park, I've been called that 10 times in the last two days. Hell Shitty called me gay 3 times in the 15 min I saw him today. How about this bombshell; I'm half Japanese. Now you can make fun of my small egg roll or wontons. If your going to be insulting try to be a little more creative you twat.
  2. thats funny I actually found him on your buddy list
  3. Not so much picking a fight as being a dick... But, what's new?
  4. He just wants something to match his Halloween costume...
  5. ^^I got a good handle right here for ya! *grabbing crotch*
  6. It would be ironic if the lid was made in Japan. Chinese helmet with Bruce Lee on it, on a half-Japanese rider riding a Japanese bike... It's like the 6 degrees of kevin bacon
  7. Ha! It's custom alright... I wonder if they weren't allowed to use the A* name.
  8. Just curious, did you notice the fault on their ebay site? Try contacting paypal, they might have a way for you to get all your money back.
  9. ever heard of resizing pictures shitty?
  10. It's true. Snap-on and Mac have slightly tighter tolerances. The impact is debatable, maybe a couple less stripped out nuts O yea and a set of T-allen wrenches are money. The ones that have the key in the handle are even better.
  11. Grannie is an Elvis fan hunh? I would have bought your racefit off you it it weren't a lil scratched up
  12. Limited to what? The number of people at McDonalds that day?
  13. I must have been a good boy this year because last night I was able to open one of my Christmas presents early!!! A special thank you goes out to: Bornsinner QueenBee rockybalboa gsxr750girl Paskey Big Booty Judy APCh8r schmuckingham SchmuckGirl Meatwad Tandy Lil Baylie and everyone else who had a hand in this surprise You guys are the best and made this past year very special!!! Next time we're out the first round is on me!!!
  14. yea it should turn out alright if I ever get around to doing it. The headlight is staring me from my kitchen table as I type, waiting for me to get to it on my list. You finish mucking up your projectors?
  15. This is very BAD advise!!! First off 10,000k is for ricers and actually doesn't produce as many lumens as lower temps (which is what we're going for here anyways). As a general rule of thumb for every 1000k in temp, lumens decrease about 10% and at 12000k the HID will actually be dimmer than your halogens. The blue/purple color will actually fatigue your eyes over a prolonged period of time. You should look for something around 4100-4500k for maximum light output as well as white color. The two major companies that supply OEM HID don't even manufacture colors over 6000k or so. To reach these extreme temperatures these aftermarket companies tend to tint the actual bulb. Second, as exSRAaron attested, putting the HID into a stock reflector scatters so much light that: 1. The output of light isn't used as effectively as in a projector 2. The high scatter of light will blind oncoming traffic as well as other riders in your group. (mirrors ya know) So angling the reflector up makes the scatter even worse, pretty much aiming the light into others eyes. Take your time and do some research, there is a ton of it available out there on the interwebs BTW that is my bike in the thread I posted above. shittygsxr on the board knows his shit about HIDs also and is a good resource for info
  16. A little bit!? Try 3 times brighter. IMO don't do it unless you're planning on doing a full projector retrofit, unless you like blinding oncoming traffic and riders in front of you. http://www.gixxer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196008
  17. What the hell does IBIP stand for?
  18. found a head gasket for 91 from APE

  19. #3 Has such a cheesy tag line though.... As a matter of fact I think that #2 (which I voted for) should lose its tag line also. The message is evident from the photos what this site is all about.
  20. nothing, lets move this convo to the clubhouse

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