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Kip Drordy

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Everything posted by Kip Drordy

  1. +1 The easter one and the Great Dolimite are the best! I've been thinking about posting these for a while but didn't know if they were appropriate, I guess no one minds though.
  2. It's cool Jerm, I just learned about this very recently also. I have a Medeski station that fuckin kicks ass!!
  3. No problem, I realize how hard it is for you to grasp certain ideas, so I'm here to help! I don't think the racing will be greatly affected by the withdraw of factory support. Yoshimura is a company separate from Suzuki with the R&D capability to both run a team and build a top notch race bike. As are all of the other teams. So their funding my be reduced a bit, but I don't think the quality of the bike will be drastically effected.
  4. To clarify a bit, they're pulling their factory support, but privateers will still run them, so you'll still see them race. It isn't like F1 where the car will just disappear. But, from what I've heard Kawi and Suzuki are thinking about pulling their factory support also.
  5. I used to ride bike trials (not moto) when I worked at the bike shop. It's crazy how much control you learn, and how much it'll improve your street riding.
  6. In that case my balls are huge!!!
  7. When are the Festivus Feats of Strength?
  8. +1 to Ender's Game. It's one of my favorite books of all time. Good to Great was an OK read; I too had to read it for a class. If you're looking for a non-instructional motorcycle read try Japan's Motorcycle Wars by Jeffrey Alexander. I just picked it up and it looks interesting. I know it's used at a few universities as text books; business school probably. http://www.amazon.com/Japans-Motorcycle-Wars-Industry-History/dp/0824833287/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1229125176&sr=8-1 http://thevintagent.blogspot.com/2008/09/book-review-japans-motorcycle-wars.html
  9. Was Justin Timberlake the one mopping floors in the supermarket?
  10. I know where Skullys is but where is Sullys?
  11. I'm sure they will, Audi won't sell them to just anyone. The buyer probably has to commit to running it in certain races if not the complete series.
  12. What does the "customer supplied" imply here?
  13. I know dude, I'm just playing :cheers:

  14. Do you think I'd be hanging out with you losers if I were!? :thefinger:

  15. Actually Ashley was just brought in a week or two before I left. Not many people still work there from when I did. The meet and greet was the first time I've been back in like a year.

  16. Yea, you've met them so you know that they're just kidding around. Sinner is the one who is putting in the most work with my title and shit like that. Although Satan/Casper/Ben was the one who changed my name to Campus Racer. It used to be AsianSensation and originally it was OGs750. I think my name has changed more times than anyone else on the board. Only certain people are able to keep up with who I am :lol:

    I ride an 06 GSXR 750

  17. You're cool though man, it's strange that you are a regular at Pig Iron now that I don't work there anymore. If you see Rachel the bartender tell her OG says hi.

  18. Unfortunately South Park penned that originally, but yes the MAN edited my shit again. I guess the fact that I'm half asian makes me an easy target.

    My only hope is to appease them and hope they take pity on me :bow:

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