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Kip Drordy

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Everything posted by Kip Drordy

  1. Audi would be dumb not to show their faces in the US at least once, but I'm sure that it isn't worth the time/effort/money to run the whole season.
  2. No they didn't. Almost every GT2/GT3 car on the grid is a Porsche plus they won the LMP2 class. As a matter of fact Porsche is the most successful team in the ALMS. They pulled out of trying to win the overall at LeMans years ago after they proved that they could win it at will, plus the rules changed. Dyson racing is no longer running Porsches though, stating that the racing has become uncompetitive. Audi on the other hand has left, but has not discontinued racing and are trying to win LeMans again next year. It's just that their factory team won't be represented in the US but privateer teams can still buy and race their cars.
  3. I bought a carbon fiber fairing stay off them last winter and the fit turned out OK at best while the finish was definitely cheap. Nothing real noticeable at a glance, but upon closer inspection is a bit shitty.
  4. Bwahahahaha!!! Paskey likes Tetris more than asian kids like building computers
  5. Yea I'm more worried about the functionality of the clutch. I can't really explain it, you have to see it but I'm not sure if it'll be stiff enough

  6. Hell yea dude, that's tight! I can't wait to see it.

    I'm really holding off on chopping up my sprocket cover, I guess I'm just being a pussy though.

  7. Brandi=> "white people...":nono:

  8. We had a good laugh at your white antics

  9. ^ It's the dudes from mystery science theatre!
  10. O word. Fuck it why not? You'll lose your online capability? That shits overrated anyways
  11. What does the mod allow you to do with a Wii?
  12. It's funny b/c Brandi (brownsuga) is actually my good friend not Judy's... She laughed her ass off just now when I told her that you assumed she was Judy's friend

  13. Why does she have to be Judy's friend? Cuz she's black!? That's fucked up man...

  14. weird question, but do you still have the wig you wore on halloween? You know... that one that you were afraid of but still wore anyways cuz it was sweet.

  15. Ha! No sorry. Some people with power on the board think it's funny to change my shit all the time.

  16. O let me try again... What are you talking about Shitty? Why would you need to get your suspension set up? Please tell us!!
  17. He's gay of course girls like to talk to him
  18. Not to beat a dead horse, but you're prices are to high. I called Mike about a set of 04 R1 calipers and he quoted me a price of $100 EACH! W/o pads. I found a set on ebay for $110 shipped to my door with a set of Vesrah pads. It wasn't just an isolated case either, I can find those parts all day for that price. Again this is just one instance, and not necessarily representative of other parts/services.
  19. you get the bike to HNW yet?

  20. The first part would make sense if it weren't complete bullshit. The big teams will still spend the big bucks. This isn't a cheap sport to get into by any means. Any racer will attest that 1/10s of seconds are the most expensive to get, and when all the cars are supposed to be the same 1/10 of a second becomes that much more important. NASCAR is burying its head in the sand if it thinks that prohibiting testing at sanctioned tracks will lower costs. All that will happen is the bigger teams will rent out tracks that aren't sanctioned and test there. You hit the nail on the head with the second point though.
  21. You're misunderstanding me here, and please don't take this personally because I sense that this is a sensitive issue. Tell me where I said that they were hillbillies or used the work junk anywhere. Just because I don't know someone personally involved in the sport doesn't imply that I'm completely ignorant about it. NASCAR does employ very knowledgeable people, who take the sport very seriously, but at the end of the day they are working towards bettering obsolete technology. Take my example of the suspension. They may use exotic materials, expensive name brand shocks and springs, but the overall design is very similar to what Chevy used on their light pickups and the late 60s. The best engineers may be working on making the suspension more efficient and better suited for their purposes, but in the end it is still an antiquated setup. And that is really what I take issue with. Why put forth the time and effort to develop old tech when they could have the same excitement of racing with a different effort. Steel wheels? Carbs? Fuel cans? What the hell?How about fuel efficient vehicles, overhead cams, direct injection, diesel, non-leaded fuels, alternative fuels or how about actually putting the stock back into stock car racing. Why do they absolutely refuse to change their ways?
  22. :rant:This is exactly the reason why I am not a member of any "club." Once you create a group, the actions of other group members will get associated with you. A title for a group of friends isn't necessary, and in fact is really gay. I play along, (I'm apart of a couple silly "groups" on this site) but don't really take it that seriously. We don't have members only functions, and don't hold auditions to join. I ride with who I want to regardless of their affiliation. Why do riding groups have to be mutually exclusive? Why are you friends with Junkies, but are an Outlawz? Is there a reason why you had to start a whole new group instead of just riding? I'm not really calling out you, but this whole gang mentality is retarded and like a bad version of West Side Story. So, instead of saying that the Outlawz (which is a really gay name by the way, it sounds like a chopper gang from an early Marlin Brando movie. And what's with the "z?" Using it instead of an s doesn't show lack of conformity, it shows lack of creativity ) or assfaultjunkies are going on a ride, say that a group of friends are going for a ride and leave it at that?
  23. +1 First part is accurate to a point. The second, is completely unjustified unless we're merely talking about revenue. While the actual development of the car is modernized, the actual car itself is still a relic. I read an article that interviewed an owner of a NASCAR team and he said that if he were to lay off his mechanics, some of them wouldn't be able to find jobs because they wouldn't know how to work on a modern car. The suspension R&D from these cars is completely useless because they use a rear end that is more similar to a 50's pickup than to anything being seen on the road, including modern pickups! The sport is was starting to slow down over year ago, the problem is the over-saturation of the market. NASCAR has infiltrated every facet of American life it seems. So while still huge they are loosing certain market positions little by little. All that means is that there might not be anymore NASCAR toothpaste, toilet paper and shit like that anymore. Big deal right. Now actually loosing support of major sponsorship, factory backing, or other financial help due to lack of money is a big problem. A huge +1 I'm beating a dead horse, but just look at the development of F1 over the same time span as NASCAR. It's like night and day. Even series like DTM, or Speed Touring-Car Championship provide more useful data than NASCAR ever will. Shit, the old Can Am cars of the 70's were tech marvels next to the COT. The fact of the matter is NASCAR teams can try to dress up a turd all they like but at the end of the day it's still a turd.
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