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Everything posted by Sully

  1. Wat? Use periods, son! I had a 79 Z28 w/ a 400SB, Holley 750, and that thing was a bitch to get set right. Of course, that car was heavily modded, so that might make a difference. I swore I'd never own another carb'd vehicle again. You might have better luck. To each their own.
  2. Sully

    SLP MAF - LS1

    Here's the link for the Fast 90. http://cosprings.craigslist.org/pts/1092419454.html That's a damn good price for that intake, if it really is brand new. Hell, even if it was used, that's still a good price.
  3. Sully

    SLP MAF - LS1

    Yo, both links are for the MAF.
  4. price drop. someone come get this.
  5. cut prices by 50% or more. Need this stuff gone!!
  6. A coworker was just telling me about this place the other day. I'm definitely marking my calendar for this event: http://www.junglejims.com/weekendoffire/about.asp
  7. I fall under this category as well.
  8. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=259&pictureid=1741
  9. This is what I'm looking for. It's going to be for my use only. Thanks bro!
  10. Heh, my title is Desktop Support, however, I know all the network admin id's, ip's, etc. I'm just looking for some sort of secure application or whatever to store the info in. I like being organized.
  11. I'm thinking you don't have to buy a drink for this one.
  12. For you guys that work in IT, what do you use to keep a log of your servers, their IP addresses, logins, etc.? My boss never wrote anything down when he configured our network and servers. I want to get things a bit more organized. I also want to use something that is secure. What do you suggest?
  13. It's even better when it's free: http://www.arbys.com/index.php Looks like you have to sign up for their e-mail bullshit, but it's worth free food, imo.
  14. What's not working properly about the shower?
  15. I didn't know him personally, just laughed my ass off at almost all, if not all, of his posts. When I first heard about the wreck on the radio this morning, I was hoping that it was no one on here. What a bummer. I'm in shock. RIP Kenny. Thoughts and prayers go out to his friends and family.
  16. We have blackout dates here at my work too. But it's not THAT bad! That sucks.
  17. At first, I thought the plate said "EMO". LoL!
  18. It's not JUST a power supply issue. From what I've read, the power supply did go, but it also took the mo bo with it.
  19. Did either of you get a chance to check the model #'s?
  20. I didn't do it. I know better than that. It was on that pc long before I started working here.
  21. It's not just data, it's an application that I need to run. If data was all I was concerned about, I know how to do that. It's an application that we use to make employee badges and grant access to certain areas of the building. We have a big wig from corp coming out on Monday, and for some reason, this has all of a sudden became a major issue. The pc has been down for a month or so.
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