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Everything posted by Sully

  1. An entire shitload of fail all around: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29284614 Discuss.
  2. 46" Pioneer Rear Projection TV I have had this tv for about 10 years and it has not given me any problems. Audio and Video both work very well. There are some nicks and scratches on the casing. This was caused from being moved a few times. The screen is scratch-free. The model number is SD-P4681-K. I also have the remote for it. No trades. Cash only. Bring a truck. I can help you load it. It's pretty light. $200 if you buy it this weekend!!! http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii316/OsuSully/For%20Sale/P1060017.jpg http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii316/OsuSully/For%20Sale/P1060018.jpg TEAC Audio/Video Surround Receiver: SOLD!!
  3. I'm thinking of selling my T/A...
  4. Agreed. I had a bike for a year. It wasn't all that. I'll stick with the T/A and spend the money on mods for it.
  5. W.T.F! That's just awful. My thoughts and prayers go out to her family & friends.
  6. I haven't heard of the backup batteries that will run 12 hrs continuously. I will have to see if I can find one of those. Something else I just ran across which I could put in the sump pump pit and by the water heater is this: http://www.comforthouse.com/polhearratmo.html I think all of that together should cover me.
  7. Let's say your house payment is $1,000 per month. Let's say they are able to get tenants to pay $1,300 per month. If something breaks and they send someone to repair it and it costs $100 to fix it, they will deduct that amount from that months check that is sent to you. So, 1,300 minus 75 minus 100 = 1,125 You pay your house payment for the month and pocket $125. Every single month that nothing breaks, you would be pocketing $225 This company does an excellent job when searching for tenants. They do background checks, credit checks, etc. If the tenants are local, they may drop by their current place unannounced to have a peek inside to see how clean it is. I'm just saying it is worth looking into rather than selling your house and taking a loss.
  8. How is letting a company do EVERYTHING for you a nightmare? Step 1: I signed a couple papers Step 2: Moved out Step 3: Profit The property management company charges me $75 per month. The tenants call them when something needs fixed. I do nothing. It's such a headache!!!
  9. I am planning on finishing my basement, hopefully this year. Before I start, I will be putting a new sump pump in as well as a battery backup sump pump. From what I've read, most sump pump batteries will only last a couple hours. As we all know, there are times when the power goes out and it's out for several hours, maybe even days. I'm away from home quite a bit. I would like to be notified somehow, phone call or e-mail, that my power is out and would also like to be notified when the power is restored. Anybody know of a way this can be done? Thanks, Mike
  10. Sully

    I'm all wet

    Rainbows? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PZzlls5-qn8
  11. Dude, seriously? Right now, with the current housing market, it doesn't matter how good someone is, you aren't going to get shit for your house. I'm not dissin your house. Anyone that tries to sell right now won't get shit. If I wanted to sell my rental, I would be lucky to get $120k for it and I paid over $170K for it. You should either wait, or rent it out like I did mine. www.s4re.com - go to their website and fill out the form. It's free to do and they'll come out and look at your house and tell you how much they can get for rent and they will locate renters for you.
  12. Note to self: Never piss off pdqgp. Damn, son!!
  13. I have a freezerator. It's a stand-up freezer that I added a keg kit to. I switched out the thermostat and keep the beer at a bone-chilling 28 degrees. It's sitting in my living room beside my couch right now, but once I get my basement finished, it will be going down there along with a bar, comfy seating, and my 60" DLP.
  14. Today, I got a haircut and the first thing the lady asked was "so do you want to keep the mullet?". What mullet?! FML BWAHAHAHA!!! Ok, who on here was it?
  15. Today, I slept with this new guy for the first time. After sex, he said the doggie style postion was fun, it reminded him what it would be like to rape a girl. FML Winnar!!
  16. Today, I finally got the chance to sleep with a girl from home who I'd wanted for a long time. She has low blood pressure problems though, and when things got hot, she passed out while she was on top of me, fell and hit her head on the night stand. FML I want to know if he kept pounding it! LoL!
  17. I got 14 right. I missed a couple because I clicked before I thunk.
  18. Yup, I get called about once a month at home. But it's during the day while I'm at work, so I never get the opportunity to mess with them.
  19. Yup, you will need to run either Coax digital from the device to the receiver or use Optical, if your device has one. If you have Coax cables laying around, use those. I don't feel it's worth spending the money on Optical cables. The average person will not notice a difference.
  20. Not all receivers will pass the audio. I picked up a pioneer receiver a couple weeks ago. It will not pass audio through HDMI. If I would have spent $100 more for the next receiver up, it would pass the audio. To me, it's not worth the extra $100. Digital audio sounds just as good.
  21. I was just watching TMZ and they were saying that these pictures are old. Someone asked her about the pictures being released this week and if she remembers looking like that. You could tell she wasn't happy about it.
  22. While that is funny, I think he's gonna have to do better than that to top Vince. I mean, seriously, Vince said "You're gonna love my nuts" on a nationally aired tv commercial. That is the win!
  23. And this is why I've been wanting to upgrade since they released the 09. I just can't justify going from no truck payment to having a truck payment in this economy.
  24. Actually, it's probably more like this: kekeke...
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