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Everything posted by Sully

  1. The Mega drawing is tonight, right? Might have to stop at the store on the way home.
  2. You should be closer and cheaper.
  3. The g/f is most likely going to get a membership there and will be able to add me on for less than what she will be paying. Anyone here go to this location? If so, what days and times do you go? Just wanting to see if anyone here goes the same time that I would go (mornings) and would want to workout together. P.S. I don't want to hear that such and such gym is better, blah, blah, blah. There are several reasons why she has picked this particular one. kthxbye.
  4. http://www.nme.com/news/various-artists/58719
  5. Quite the opposite. Just pray you don't get salmonella from one of those dirty fucking buffets.
  6. Wish I wouldn't have went. Waste of money.
  7. HAHAHA... Playing "Doctor" with the neighbor girl. http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lm4r0epLh11qb3mmfo1_500.jpg
  8. Wow, look at that; 80% of the CR members... http://27.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lf6ivuXbXh1qzo35go1_500.jpg
  9. Wasn't really much of a fight, but I was in the 4th grade. Sitting next to someone who kept pinching me all day. Told the rents about it, the rents talked to the teacher. Kid didn't stop, so the rents said the next time he does it, knock his ass off the chair. Went to school the next day, kid pinched me, so I knocked his ass onto the floor breaking the seat off the desk (it was one of those swivel chairs) in the process. I was sent to the office, the rents got called in and they told the principal the whole story. I did not get in trouble for it. The kid was moved to a different area of the class away from me. He never bothered me again.
  10. You too. Hopefully you can get it figured out.
  11. Last I heard, these children, as you call them, become men when they turn 18. And how old are these "children" playing college ball? How long have the Buckeyes been around? How long have these "Pro" sports been here in Columbus? That might have a little something to do with the fact that the people of Columbus are a bit more loyal to the Buckeyes.
  12. I have no clue what "show" you guys are talking about.
  13. Those doors slide left and right. I don't know the dimensions. If it doesn't get picked up tomorrow, I'll get the dimensions for you.
  14. Sale pending for tomorrow...
  15. I don't know. I'll have to look when I get home.
  16. I agree with this. P.S. You and Josh are worse than a married couple.
  17. Sully

    Nature Stone

    IIRC, your stuff is more for a garage (which I still want to do at some point). I'm not sure that it would be appropriate for a finished basement. Give me a link to the stuff you use and I'll look at it again.
  18. Sully

    Nature Stone

    Anyone have this in their basement or seen a basement with it? I'm having my basement finished, but I still need to pick out a floor. Was planning on going with tile, but saw a coupon for this Nature Stone. Thoughts/opinions on using it in a finished basement area? http://www.naturestonefloors.com/ What are some other basement flooring options? Carpet is out.
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