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Everything posted by Sully

  1. I understand. I use to constantly help one of my cousins out. I would always slide her 1 or 2 hundo here and there because I felt bad that her kids don't have very much and I'm doing well for myself. Well, once I figured out that she was blowing her money on clothes (for herself), booze, cigs, etc, I told her I wasn't giving her any more money. She called today asking for $350. I said no, but told her I would send some money for xmas. I'll probably send $50. I hate to, but again, I feel bad for her kids. It's not their fault.
  2. Forget it. That car is ruined now.
  3. Sorry, reading owned me this time. I'm at work and a little stressed, so I missed that part. If you have your Windows CD, load it and try to repair windows install.
  4. How far into the boot process does it get before it stops? Are you getting the BSOD?
  5. Yeah, I installed SP3 on a pc here at work. That was the last one that I installed it on. I made sure to go around to every pc and hide that update so that none of the users here would install it. I don't know of a fix. Hope you get it figured out though.
  6. Oops. Guess I shouldn't have taken that out. Oh well. If the engine goes, then it'll be time to go bigger!
  7. I'm not really concerned about swine flu. Here's my concern: * 3 years ago, Chinese calendar year of the cow . . . Mad Cow disease. * 2 years ago, Chinese calendar year of the bird . . . Avian flu. * This year, Chinese calendar year of the pig . . . Swine flu. Next year is the year of the cock . . . Anybody else worried?
  8. I saw this gem in Reno and wanted to share it with you all. http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii316/OsuSully/CR/gem.jpg
  9. Well shit. I have a bachelor party to attend mid-afternoon, otherwise I'd be there.
  10. Would like to go but will be at work until about 2am. Kingy's has damn good pizza.
  11. I was in Reno, NV visiting family for TG and met up with some friends who showed me this. Funny as hell. NWS for language.
  12. I am willing to bet that he and the wife got into a huge fight. He went to leave and she threw a golf club at the back window of his SUV. When the club hit and shattered the rear window, it scared the shit out of him. He ducked in an attempt to not be hit by flying glass which caused him to hit the gas and swerve.
  13. nope. I won't say the name of the company but it rhymes with Horizon. Good luck trying to figure it out!
  14. Wow. They're laying off again? Have they already sent that much work overseas? Congrats though!! I was trying to stay until I could get a severance package, but I just couldn't take it anymore.
  15. I wouldn't mind being 101 as long as I'm able to get around and drive as well as he is.
  16. Mostly street use. It will only see the track a couple times a year.
  17. I already have a double adjustable phb on the car, so I'm good to go there. I want to lower it to get rid of that 4x4 look. I think lowering it an inch will be good enough; nothing too crazy. I just don't know what shocks and springs to go with. I guess maybe I'm looking for some opinions from people who have lowered their cars and say, these xxxxxxx brand of shocks/springs sucks. xxxxxxxx is a better brand for what you are looking for, etc.
  18. What? No, I'm making a list of stuff for her to buy me. I need to tell her exactly what to buy.
  19. I am trying to compile my xmas list for the girl. I want car parts, and something I need to fix this winter is the suspension on the TA. I don't NEED adjustable stuff, but will consider it. I want to drop the car about an inch all the way around. Would like a 'similar to stock' (or better) ride. I will need all new shocks and springs. What do I tell her to buy?
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