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Posts posted by gixxie750

  1. U should see what it can do. I see So So So SO many chains and have seen it work. To be honest the only proper way to lube a chain would be to get a tub of lithium grease and manually press it into the rollers and then clean outside off with wd or kero. Moral of the story is spend $130 every year and get new chain. I have just now started runni9ng non o-ring chains and those need real lube like gear oil EVERY time you ride.

  2. A fernco. Get a 6"X 4' peice of sdr 35 and 6"to 4" rubber fernco. slide the bigger 6" pipe over the 4" pipe you have and tighten fernco. theen fill the gap between 4" pipe and 6" pipe with a product called water plug. All of this should be at lowes. If not you will have to look for a sewer place like win nelson or dicount drainage or hues supply.

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  3. assfault junkies... i have a story about them. i was selling my old 07 r6 street bike on there and some kid was interested. now i have had this on craigslist and all that for weeks before and have gotten SO many calls and none followed through, so basically my new policy is the first one to show up with cash gets the bike. that simple. well this kid is texting me saying he wants to put money down to save the bike, i tell him that should be fine, but at the same time another guy calls me and wants to look at the bike and he has cash in hand. so i text the kid back saying forget the down payment, im not taking any chances so first one to put the cash in my hand gets the bike. well, the guy buys it and i tell the kid what happened and he FLIPS A SHIT on me. calling me every name in the book, posts in the forum that i ripped him off (wtf), and then some others were saying shit that they were gonna get together and come to my house and kick my ass and shit. i then kindly go on and attempt to explain in this thread what i did and why i did it. well that was worthless as they didnt listen to a word i said and basically shunned me off the forum. pissed me right off because i did NOTHING wrong. but fuck it

    if you can pick up my tone, i dont go to that forum or like it for that matter

    edit: found the thread he posted http://www.assfaultjunkies.com/showthread.php?13412-Shady-ass-fucks-selling-bikes(ama146)

    yep it happens everywhere... must only be our site...

  4. I have been attacked by a dog. had stitches and dog issues for years. I now know that dogs are wild animals and they freeking attack. I also watch my ass around dogs and if they get close and i dont know then i am ready to attack. So tired of the sue happy people that think that owners can control you'r fear. If you are scared the dog knows it and instinct kicks in. I have punched a couple dogs HARD as they tried to bite me. Owners were fine with that. we are humans and we by law of nature need to stop acting like animals are human or even can act responsible. Big dog means stay the Fck away or prepare for battle no matter if its human is there or not.

  5. Every ballast I've seen is 35 watts for bi-xenon, 35/55 for xenon lows and halogen highs. As long as its the same bulb type it should be fine, and ts easy to install cleanly if you have room in your fairing for the ballast and wiring.

    try doing it for a customer that thinks there should be no difference in looks even though you tell them there will be additional wires lol.

  6. They seem to have a great staff. Even when I told them I was from Ohio and wasn't buying a motorcycle on vacation, they still asked me if I wanted to take a test ride. They also spent about 45 minutes shooting the shit about motorcycles (even with other customers coming in...they took care of them also but kept coming back).

    Small world lol. I have went there also on vacation and they had AMAZING customer service. Maybe they like people from ohio because mass of us go to that part of FL. lol.

  7. I was adding preload Sunday. I even added preload to the rear as the rubber down was making more gripe than Saturday. The preload allowed it to steer better.

    I was just amazed at how much slower the track was...

    I did have rear grip problems just out of 2 and 7 and out of dead bear. The only place my front felt really weird was 5. Also the checkers were way way slippery(more than normal)

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