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Posts posted by gixxie750

  1. You could also go get your race license right off the bat. Yea we took a newer street rider strait to a race in Atlanta. He went thru race school first time EVER on track. It was crazy lol.

    On a side note he did improve leaps and bounds faster than most people.

    AS for the OP just get some good tires and save up some cash for the summer. Go to a couple different tracks and ride! Have fun and welcome to the best addiction ever!

  2. Fill it 1/4 way full of nuts and bolts. Get a bed comforter and wrap the tank and tape it safely in. Put wrapped tank into clothes drier and turn on low heat and leave it in for as many cycles as necessary. norm 2 runs @ 1hr. Now shake all rust and nuts and bolts out and seal the tank. AMAZING results out of the clothes drier!

  3. What i see with most people is they focus on making up a pretty nice fully built bad ass bike and all the equip to go with the bike. Then they have a major anxiety from spending all that time and $$$$ on the bike that they are not willing to risk hurting it. When going to the track you should be 100% ready to come home with a bike in pieces and not have a care in the world about that.

    Another thing associated with that is people spend gobs of $$$ on parts for the bike,but skimp on the most important part TIRES!!!! Never ever go to the track with tires that are not new or at least close to new.

    Now like Lizard said once the shield goes down all other thoughts must leave your head and its time to focus on the ride and how to improve it. ALLOT of people go out and ride with their friends and have a great time battling each other and that ends up being their focus while on track. SEPARATE yourself from the people you know and go out and chase the faster guy in front of you.

    KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!!!! Some of the best advice I got from a fast guy years ago. At the time it made no sense to me,but now has become very clear. Work on one turn at a time and use the rest of the track to plan and practice for that 1 turn. Do this with each track and each turn at the track that you feel is a challenge for you. Also get that "my body possition is not right" and " My rebound may be 1 click off" and " why can't i go that fast" thoughts OUT of your head and RIDE!

    Novice class is great to get your feet wet for maybe 1st and 2nd time at a track. If you stay in too long you never get to see or feel higher speeds so obviously you will not get much faster.Once in I group you will have slower and faster riders around you and it will teach you more about speed. Some riders may only have I group as a goal and will stay for years and years. Others have the need to get faster so they keep focused and go for A class.

    Bottom line is if you want to get faster focus on the task at hand and always ride with FASTER riders and never think that you can not go faster because YOU CAN!!!

    Me personally HATED people trying to TELL me how to ride faster. I needed seat time and seat time only to get faster. Of course i would ask about lines and braking points,but the rest I learned from mass mass seat time. If you are the type that needs someone to hold your hand thru all the steps it will take forever to get fast. Its up to YOU and ONLY you once you throw that leg over the bike. You can spend thousands and thousands going to those schools and it may help,but IMO that $$$$ should be spent on track time.

    When you got extra $$$ the best way to spend it is on GAS,TRACK FEES and tires and just go ride and ride and ride!!! Put down the books,turn off the riding movie and GO!!!


    Riding advice be it books,movies,coaches,schools or this thread should be always in the back of your mind and use the info you have. Just don't over think it!!!


  4. I still think check it all out as much as possible. titles are for STREET use and to identify the owner of the bike. If you guys want a clean and clear titled bike as a dedicated track bike you deff have $$$$ to burn! Get the bike with the best parts and one that is most set up and just make sure its not stolen and ride that thing!!!

  5. There are sooooo many reasons a bike could not have a title. If you feel like the seller is legit and not hiding any info from you then I see no problem. If the bike has a vin # run it. If it does not well then there is no way to prove where its from so once again up to you. If you plan on just tracking it then I would not worry very much. The ONLY problem with no title or vin is that you can never really prove the bike is yours so it may be hard to get it back from the popo without proof. I hae owned many no titled bikes and was never really concerned because I had no reason to street them. In the end its up to you!

  6. the adjustment marks on swingarm are not a good way to judge a chain. side to side movement tells all! pull chain towards you and if it moves much that way then its done. Either way if it has been riding on a sprocket with teeth or tooth missing it needs replaced.

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