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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. its not Sunday,but dam i'm in a bad mood!
  2. i was wondering if it had been posted. Never seen it till recently.
  3. LOL JK JK JK Crazy vidoe. Even i think its crazy lol http://bikerpunks.com/mediaviewer/1766/porsche-vs-3-sportbikes-on-the-autobahn.html
  4. Man is next year here yet?????? I just want to ride!
  5. Thats what they do with it. Why cant we tax them or at least get 19%APR on the money they"borrow" from us.
  6. man females have a powerfull affect on men!!! $1700? Just keep it and wait. It will always be worth its weight in gold lol.
  7. yea lifes not fair yada yada yada. Dam churches lol
  8. idiocracy is still my fave movie of all time. 2012 is just like the rest of the dooms day movies lol.
  9. idiocracy like 2 times blind side gi joe hangover 2012 Now going to watch terminator and family guy.
  10. Bonus should be tax free. They got me too.
  11. its not that bad really. lol. I do feel for my girl when she has to use the downstairs bathroom.
  12. whats the trend? We have no one with red bars yet... yet. I think all the rep is done by me on our site. I like rep. Since its been gone here i keep trying to go for the button and then i remember.
  13. its only cold. it does suck though! i save allot of $$$$ just to buy more dam tires that only last 1 day. That sux more.
  14. warmer than it is now in here lol
  15. my hoe goes 28 feet lol. I have been 50' deep and no magma lol
  16. i want the geo thermal heat. I'm about to dig a huge hole in the yard and run copper pipe and use a water pump and see what happens. I mean the earth has liquid hot magma right?
  17. i use the radiator type space heaters. No fan just a coil and heat. Not fast heat,but it works great.
  18. i have somethin like that. Will find it and take a pic
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