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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. At work recently i had to bolt and unbolt a shaft 25'deep and every 1' 250 bolts to install. Well once we were done the watter was dripping down on os slowly drip by drip and i have to say it was driving me and co workers crazy. It should be used because it works. I know this is not the same as the real thing,but 10hrs turning bolts while slightly getting dripped on sux.
  2. Bump! Hell yea! Racebikes are fun! U going with us in 2010?
  3. Nice man nice. I wanted ur tard BAD!
  4. rfm, camera cord is where i'm going to buy this. I was just at the beecmont location and they have a sale till Sunday. Can u get them to throw in a mem card? I will be buying this weekend.
  5. Camera guys need help! I am going to get a nice camera finally and the best bang for the buck i have found is the nikon d5000. It does video and has 12.3megapix. It comes with 2 lenses and will be $850 OTD. Good camera? The d30 and d90 are wayyyyyy to much $$$,but would i miss any features? I have till Sun to lock in this price so any info would be freeking great!
  6. Well u do have a busa. Its fast no matter what sprocket.
  7. All bikes should have -1+2 IMO. Its a sportbike its supposed to be loud and fast. U will have to change gears more,but thats how u go fast. Get 1 new chain and put the biggest sprocket u plan on usin on and cut the chain so that the axle spacers are all the way to front or close. Then u can always go down on teeth from there. On my race bike i can put 3 diff rear sprockets on the same chain,but it does affect handleing with the diff WB.
  8. People are freeking crazy!
  9. if u give me $3000 i can get u a better bike and still have cash for like 2 trackdays and some new tires. I am a GSXR lover,but they are selling so dam cheap these days...
  10. I know it! Guns are legal, ammo is legal, so why do we have to freeking jump through all these hoops to just drive it form point a to b? I think i'm allowed to have a loaded weapon within reach of me IN the car and not just on my person. Is that correct?
  11. I never knew any of this befor i went to my conceal classes. The rules are crazy.
  12. gixxie750

    silas in

    what happend to the little dude?
  13. WERA will be racing mid-oh this year!!!!!!!!! I cant wait!
  14. that road is crazy anyway. I bet she didnt use her blinker and didnt bother to use her mirrors. RIP to her,but cagers kill thousands of us a year! Maybe this will help cagers look for bikes more if they feel like we can actually hurt them too.
  15. all i could see was TRACK DAYS. HEll yes!
  16. find ur tv's serial # and look online for the lamp it uses. It is really easy to replace the lamp and theres even instruction on video on google.
  17. i want one bad too. the bldg they start as is my property so i can act a real fool there lol
  18. hell yea! My vid..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8yLnmW9C7g
  19. GL with sale. Prob worth more like $2000 or less. free bump.
  20. windows movie maker. My computer will not reconize sounds or let me use them? sometimes it works though....
  21. my retarded computer doesnt like sound lol. How do i use you tube to put sound on there?
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