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Everything posted by gixxie750

  1. gixxie750

    Nut Up......

    what is happening with all the mods and such? I am n here every day a couple times and it seems like people are changing up now? What happend to ninja chk? Why did who-dey retire? What is happening here???? Plus i want my gold star back!
  2. gixxie750

    Nut Up......

    man this is crazy! Some super members on here fighting... I couldnt have pissed anyone off that bad if i tried. We maybe i could lol. U can deff tell winter is here! BTW where is Coshocton?
  3. once on stand you can roll the bike forward and bacward therefor fitting it in with ur other bikes. Its really a personal choice,but once u go stand u rarely go back to kickstand lol
  4. gixxie750

    Nut Up......

    wow. I can feel the anger all the way in cincy. Wow.
  5. great vid. I have to put it up on our site.
  6. i use the rear stand every time because 1:cand knock it over as easy 2:tires dont like cold ground 3:u can park more bikes in one garage if they are all standing on stands 4:it ads 20hp over night.
  7. I hear there is a BP and a Shell. Depending on what side you choose lol.
  8. i'm starting to like freeking turtles now:bow:
  9. he he he. Of course it was the white goast who brings me up! We the junkies started the "never delete anything" modo back during the or and AJ fued. By the way we love and support OR from time to time.
  10. man i need to check this drama queen thing more! I'm used to all the hate round here and feel left out lol
  11. thats one ticket i would love to have lol.
  12. oem filters are great. I use k&n just cause it makes REMOVING that much easier.
  13. busa can turn i have seen it. They are sportbikes for sure,but they like going fast in a strait line mainly
  14. i liked it lol. I wish i had sound on my computer....
  15. that is insane! I love the red bull games lol
  16. nice truck! U have to have at least 1 truck if u have a bike. See u at the track lol
  17. u prob need to run some fuel system cleaner through her... Not anything to worry about. All my gsxrs have had 1 cyl that was diff.
  18. 19hrs 1 way? Dam!!! v-twins are fun
  19. i even rode the street today! Nice nice day.
  20. the r1 just needs to smoke the tire till it catches up with the bike lol. I would be scared to death to have that kind of power.
  21. Marriage is the leading cause of divorce. Just sayin........ Congreats!
  22. its a 88 so its a little old. It has 42000 miles and everything works still. It has been maintained and fixed as needed over the years. for $4000 i dont think i can go wrong,but we will see. I cant wait to sit in the air at the track! It comes with a 7500 watt geny too so no more electric probs lol.
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