YAY! Another iphone vs android thread! My fav.
First of all, Android was out a WHOLE YEAR before the iphone even came out. Who had multitasking first? Who had copy/paste first? Who had a universal notification system first? who had folders first? Who had a voice search first? who had a cloud first? Who's copying who here? These were things that iphone people were told they did not need, they believed it, yet somehow it eventually made it's way onto it and iphone owners think they were the first ones to have it. Fools
To have it look and feel just like your old phone there is no need to plug an Android phone in. A simple log in with your google account and everything is brought over to your new phone over the air. Apps, Contacts, Music, Saved wifi passwords, ringtones, etc. :dumb: Itunes whaaaa?
Enjoy always being second, while being brainwashed into thinking your first.