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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. CRed05


    oh i was searching for them...cool!
  2. CRed05


    lol, you're only the 2nd person to come up with that one.
  3. CRed05


    So did I. I can't seem to find people by email address??!
  4. CRed05


    I'll add you guys too, I'm the guy with the weird last name.
  5. Ford power steering...that's what they do, they make noise. 15 in Hg = 15" mercury = vacuum
  6. Here comes the diesel http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2011/07/11/personal-finance-specialized-consumer-services-us-gm-diesel-cruze_8558939.html?partner=alerts
  7. Then Christianity became the religion of choice for Constantine, next thing you know all people believe in God and the church rules and BAM...middle ages.
  8. It's weird to me how some of you said that Atheists are the ones pushing their views down people's throats, when that's something I hate about Christians and I can't think of one incident in my life where an atheists has done the things that a lot of Christians do on a daily basis. I actually deleted an old friend from facebook the other day because I could not stand his stupid quotes and bullshit anymore. I have more people like that one there that do that, all Christians. I never see Atheists standing outside Christian music concerts protesting, or going on TV and saying ridiculous things like the people of Haiti deserved what happened to them.
  9. This http://static.mellbimbo.eu/files/253540-20110615-surniK.gif
  10. http://www.google.com/insights/search/#cat=0&q=technoviking&geo=&gprop=&cmpt=q FTFY
  11. CRed05


    there ya go broski
  12. http://bucket.usastra.com/resize.php?f=Z2FsbGVyeS9GdW5ueSUyMFN0dWZmL284Q1g0LmpwZw==
  13. CRed05


    Looks like the invites are working again. Saw some of you guys getting on there, sent an invite to our company gmail, got that going right away. 96blkform, I sent you an invite.
  14. No problem here: http://www.nogaroblue.com/cars/91XJjump.jpg no problem here: http://www.gotcruiser.com/gallery/000.JPG no problem here: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f128/alexhor/Tim3.jpg ford raptor...problem here: http://i1223.photobucket.com/albums/dd518/gotsvtraptor/Frame/inside_frame_drawing.jpg
  15. http://static.images.memegenerator.net/Instances400/8/8454/8657623.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v195/thrilhouse/Other%20Stuff/tumblr_lbfvk8VaEi1qcxgo2o1_500.jpg http://i.imgur.com/U2ZQY.png
  16. http://cdn3.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/099/741/original/OkayGuy.jpg?1297653524
  17. http://www.raptorforumz.com/showthread.php?t=14208 http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/8356/anglebent.jpg http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/845/gordon1.jpg
  18. Someone mentioned time, and I think time kind of relates to this. Time I feel doesn't exist, it's something humans on earth created to keep track of and make sense of how one moment leads to another. If we lived on any other planet, time would be different also and our perception on it would change too. Point is, if there is no such thing as time, there is no beginning, there is no end...there has always been a universe and there will always be a universe. Time to go watch Wilfred....
  19. CRed05


    No problem. I ended up getting this Chrome extension that would download all your friends' contact info from facebook over to your gmail account into a separate folder, which then syncs with G+ so that you can add them to your circles. It ended up confusing my phone cause it was seeing duplicates, so once you have everyone over on G+ you just need to delete the folder on gmail. Heres the link: http://www.thechromesource.com/chrome-extension-lets-you-import-your-facebook-friends-into-google/
  20. By writings you mean the bible right? I also have a hard time believing writings that were made by some pissed of jewish person because he was forced to live in a cave by the wealthy romans, in a time when people thought the earth was flat...and all kinds of nonsense. Like The Oracle in Ancient Greece, I believe, who would make "prophecies" and all kinds of predictions....turns out the building was on some fault line where toxic gas was leaking out causing hallucinations. Edit: The Oracle of Delphi http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article611319.ece
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