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Here are Trevor Noah's heros. It's long, but interesting for those who care about history. Dives into the Soviet Union, Vietnam and even how the media isn't interested in truth, but rather the story that better fits their agenda. Potentially NWS due to graphic depictions of violence.
But a small cranium. Helps make it easier to not know the difference between too and to.
Seriously x3 Alzor wheels?
Yeah...drop in a bucket examples there. I'm an American who's first language is Afrikaans, wouldn't be calling Columbus little Johannesburg anytime soon. Spanish speakers in Spain and Mexico can understand one another. Just like how I can understand someone who speaks Dutch. Shit, Portuguese people can even understand people who speak Mexican Spanish.
I feel like I've said it already, but the reason I don't agree with what Trevor giving praise to Winnie is because she is a murderer, and convicted for fraud an theft, and as I just found out, she also lost her position as the president of the ANC women's league for corruption. The one position where she could have had a positive influence on black woman, she decided to be corrupt instead...as the majority ANC members seem to be, another difference in culture being a possible cause of why African leaders seem to always be corrupt. How that culture measures wealth and what it means to be a leader in that culture. The things I mention of her are facts, he praises her for some mythical shit, like she's on par with her ex-husband, who she couldn't even be faithful to. Now with Nelson, I can agree with him. Yes, he was involved in people losing their lives, but at least you can prove with facts that he did good and positive things for his people.
Yes, mostly British, German and Irish. Majority speaks one language, which is English, if they can speak another language is probably Spanish (which comes from Spain, in Western Europe), German or French. All the road signs are written in English, maybe Spanish as well in some states. The year currently is 2018. We allow women to drive, when you go to the doctor you're not prescribed rhino horn for E.D., your wealth isn't measured in how many wives and children you have... Smells a lot like western culture up in here.
I'm confused about some of those and how they pertain to speech at all, like child porno If you say something that pisses me off and makes me take a swing at you, I should be the one getting arrested for assault. But you're saying I can just tell the cop "them were fightin' words" and you get arrested for hate speech? No, that's not what I'm saying at all.
Well on a far enough timeline, we are all from Africa. Some Afrikaners still to this very day has resentment to the English. My grandmother still calls English "rednecks", because when they came to Africa during the Anglo-Boer War, the sun burned the back of their necks red. I guess I have forgiven but not forgotten what they did to my great grandmother and her generation. To those reading this and aren't sure what I'm talking about...lets just say Hitler got his ideas for concentration camps from what the British did to the Boer women and children. The similarities between the US and South Africa are plenty, which is why I think it's a great case study for the US to see how you want your future to be. Yeah, the similarities are crazy. I'm not making a case for permissible racism. I'm mostly sick of misinformation. I suppose I'm making a case that we need to realize that there are different cultures in the world, and instead of ignoring it, and trying to mold and shape us all as the same (there are no genders, there are no races, etc), we need to accept it. History has proven over and over again that a true multicultural nation doesn't work without one culture adopting the other's. The US has probably been the closest, but when people move here, they assimilate to American culture. When they don't, you get the YouTube shooter. Even worse is all this...for a lack of a better word, white guilt. To me that doesn't mean white people, to me that means western culture. We're destroying western culture. If western culture is so bad, why did black Africans from all over move to, or tried to come live in South Africa during and after Apartheid? Why are they coming to live in Europe, US (with all these terrible laws like segregation and Jim Crow laws), Canada, Australia & New Zealand? Now people are getting butterknived to death in London.
Total but limited to slander is how I feel about it. You can call me whatever the hell you want and tell all the dead baby jokes you want without getting arrested. That's freedom, and that's how a healthy society should function. Throwing someone in jail because what they said is censorship. With censorship, education about it cannot happen. How does the whole abstinence vs sexual education work to prevent teen pregnancies? It's propaganda. The same thing Cambridge Analytica used to swing the election. Doesn't matter how small and insignificant The Daily Show's influence is...what's that saying about the mustard seed? It might be tiny but grows into a big ass tree or someshit. Yeah nah, I'd like to read these history books about her on any positive influence she had on the nation's history, besides a warm place for Madiba to put is "spear". When I say history books, I mean factual history, not someone feelings or ideologies.
Fucking please! You're regurgitating bullshit that you heard somewhere without knowing dick. The Bantu's (Zulu, Xhosa...basically all blacks in South Africa) moved down into Southern Africa at the same time as the Europeans (Boers trying to get the fuck out of English rule) were moving from Cape Town up north. They first met at the Fish River, and through wars and deals, that's how South African land was distributed. White Africans have been in Southern Africa just as long, and some parts longer than black Africans. The true natives to Southern Africa are the Khoi and the San (Khoisan). The history is way more complex than that. The old "colonials came in and stole land idea" is nothing but horseshit. The Zulus almost completely wiped out all other competing tribes, making Southern African even less populated. If you read about how the Zulus slaughtered the Boers and their black workers who came peacefully to discuss a land treaty, you might also start to understand things differently. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piet_Retief_Delegation_massacre
I don't think so. I'm all for total comedic freedom, just like I am for total freedom of speech. I'm also for equality, what applies to one, needs to apply to the other. What ShowHBK was saying, about how we need to be careful what we show our children...does this not apply in this case? Young people are watching the daily show, taking it as truth, when he's up there spreading misinformation, because he knows that maybe 1% of his audience even knows who Winnie is, and maybe 5% even know what Apartheid was, so he will go uncontested and another generation's head is filled with bullshit. Just like how Mark Zuckerberg is being drilled by Congress (and rightfully so) for allowing misinformation to be spread with personal information that he sold. Zuckerberg's mistake was it was right-wing bullshit, but Noah's left wing bullshit is ok.
That's right, they weren't considered citizens of SA. Instead, they were given their own lands to create their own country (10 of them) to which they were citizens of. See Bantustan Not good enough, they wanted what the Europeans brought and created. You say the UK has the right to let whoever into their country, so did SA, but they gave them passes so that they can come and work in SA. Sounds crazy right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_workers_in_Israel
He uses "alternative facts" to backup his viewpoints. I hate to even bring the H word up, but you would probably also immediately throw someone's opinion in the trash and wipe their viewpoint with your ass if they went on about how Hitler was an amazing political activist that did a lot of good things for his people. You brought him up. Like I said in an earlier post, I like his comedy, but he cannot be taken seriously politically because he doesn't restate the facts, but his personal agenda. The clip you were referring to starts out with him going something along the lines of "a racist person...spoiler alert, she's white". Sounds a little racist to me. Could you imagine a black guy going to jail for robbery and the white tv show host going "spoiler alert, he's black"?
Exactly. The problem is white people are the minority, far more so than what blacks are in the US. The difference is, in the US we try to lift up the minority, but in SA the minority gets shit on. Laws favor the majority and that is wrong and there is nothing voting can change. Black people will get voted into power simply because they are black like the majority. Where is the outrage over all the white murders? The government changed the laws to not include race when it comes to crimes being committed so that they can hide the facts. You complain about the dickey amendment, this is that to the extreme. Whatever, white people will continue to flee the country and contribute to, how the Australian Home Affairs minister said, "civilized countries", if they don't get slaughtered, and South Africa will end up just like in Zim, and then the'll want to flee to Europe. Trevor Noah actually makes a joke about how white South Africans have been saying "that's it, I'm moving to Australia", now black people are saying the same thing.
Keyword being "almost". She want to jail AFTER apartheid. Even Nelson had to separate him from her. She's garbage. Trevor and is almost exactly 3 months older than me to the day, and we were both born in Jo'burg, probably within less than 25 miles of each other, but we saw SA through completely different lenses. Now I try to go back and find out the truth, where he seems to go off whatever he was told by those around him and whatever seems to pull liberal heartstrings (which is connected to their wallet). Now Kaffir and ^^^^^^ are are the same in the sense that it's the top level, be-all, end-all of racial slurs towards black people. The literal meaning of the words are different. ^^^^^^ just means black (in latin?), and kaffir is an arabic word for someone who is a non-believer. Culturally in SA, it kind of carries the meaning of incompetence or lack of intelligence. But in my experience, it's a word that my generation, or even my parent's generation never really said. My grandparent would use it, but similarly to how older Americans used the word negro. Ah ha! That's the key. But you some black Americans disagree with that. One person that comes to mind (if memory serves me right) is Robin Quivers, and Jay-Z actually mentions it in his interview with Letterman on Netflix. Well remember, Lauren is Canadian, a commonwealth country. In her passport it probably says that the Queen allows her to come into the UK. They still have the right to block anyone, if it's legal. She will be taking them to court and I believe she has a pretty strong case. I guess we shall see.
If I understand correctly, you're saying that this is a bad example to our kids. That this isn't how you should behave? I agree 100%, 200% when it comes to the President. He is a role model to kids and his behavior is shameful. This lady in SA, she's just an average person, a real estate agent who is trying to report break-ins to the police. Now let me tell you what it's like to deal with the police, or any government or state ran in SA. It's a frustrating nightmare! I personally dealt with it a couple years ago when I took my grandfather to a public hospital there. I went OFF on the workers, I don't think I have ever been as livid as I was that moment. My g-pa is deathly ill, I want someone to go out and bring him into this small town hospital (not busy at all), but it's like talking to a wall. 10 people just standing around me, doing nothing, who I guess are supposed to be nurses (male and female), but because of Black Economic Empowerment, I guarantee that half of them weren't qualified to be there. Now I never thought about calling them racial slurs, but I'm sure I let out a couple of F bombs. I'd love to see a black American be in that lady's situation. He might even start calling them N words too Bottom line, these are just words by a frustrated real estate agent.
It is the bigger news, but it all ties together.
I was surprised when I didn't see you bring up Trevor Noah. First of all, in a similar video clip a few months ago, before Winnie Mandela died, he was praising her, just like how a bunch of uneducated fucking fools like Common did when she died last week. She was a horrific murderer, she killed her fellow black people (over 600 a month at some point). Don't ask me, ask Stompie. She was the one that made "necklacing" famous. A lot of things he says is simply untrue, and these are the people he praises. He's a funny comedian, I drove to Pittsburgh to go see him, but politically, he cannot be taken serious. Now it may be true that the word Kaffir hasn't been used like the N word here by the black community, at least not to the same extent. I've heard with my own ears one black man referring to another as a kaffir, similarly to how nigga would be used here. Does that make any difference though? The words both are derogatory to black people, and there are black Americans who are against using the N word AT ALL. You can find the footage of her "hate speech" on YouTube. I'd find it for you but YouTube is blocked where I'm at . She set up a table saying that Allah is a gay god, in response to a Vice piece saying that Jesus is gay. The offended Christians didn't make the scene the Muslims did when she did that. I call her a journalist now. I was skeptic at first, but she has proven to be a journalist to me. I guess I already went there. The facts are up there.
It's the N word equivalent. If she said it once or 1000 times, does it make any difference at all? Least regulated hate speech laws or fantastic rights to freedom of speech? Has anyone ever been sentenced to jail/prison in the US for saying the N word? For 3 years? You believe this is how it should be? Ridiculous.
It's sad. People are losing their freedoms in "free" countries like crazy lately. Journalist being denied entry into the UK, a citizen in South Africa being sentenced to 3 years jail time for saying a racial slur and now this.
Did everyone here get their $4000 raises yet? https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/04/10/donald-trump-gop-tax-cuts-wont-deliver-big-raise-column/471188002/ So true. It's amazing when you put in your notice how an extra $20k will all of a sudden show up.
Geely owns Volvo...maybe he's talking about them.