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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. Oh I love to give people shit for buying 1000s on the street. You know damn well they're getting it purely for a dick measuring contest. Then they ruin it by putting an extended swing arm on it because 1) "So it doesn't stand up and me and hooks better" 2) "It looks dope yo". I'm excusing those who actually take it to the track of course, but certainly a lot of dipshits out there for sure.
  2. Very nice. Looks just like the M5 I used to see in my old neighborhood..wheels and all.
  3. I couldn't make it past the paragraph explaining what a "crotch rocket" is. Fucking cringe.
  4. Palestinian Radio Shack https://www.delawareohionews.com/planet-oasis/developer-asks-delaware-county-to-change-name-to-planet-oasis-county/
  5. CRed05

    Traveling to LA

    I was just there a couple weeks ago. - Griffith Observatory / Hollywood sign. - Hollywood Walk of Fame - Santa Monica pier - Venice Beach - Just taking a drive on the PCH up to Malibu is pretty cool too. You can stop at different beaches/whatever looks cool along the way. You can try to get tickets to Conan or Jimmy Kimmel, it's free. We went to a taping of Jimmy Kimmel (Conan was off that week), it's located right on the Hollywood Blvd (across from the Chinese theatre) so you can take out a few birds with one stone. https://1iota.com/ In-and-out burger is good, hit that up but try to hit up a Shake Shack, I think it's much better. Shake Shack will be at Easton next year, so don't be too upset if you don't. Personally, for the price, we skipped the studio tours...just doesn't sound like it's worth it. Plenty of other things to do. Traffic...yeah it's bad, but I feel like it gets blown out of proportion. I feel like my daily rush hour commute on 270 is almost as bad...maybe that's just me. Just set Google Maps and it'll get your around.
  6. Nice shots. I like the Marlboro BMW
  7. CRed05


    I don't know if you guys are history buffs or not, but uh...
  8. CRed05


    Personally, I agree with some things said in the video and not so much others. Truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.
  9. CRed05


    https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Black_Pigeon_Speaks Sounds like a nutter to me.
  10. So much winning. https://www.npr.org/2018/06/25/623140949/casualty-of-trade-tensions-harley-davidson-shifting-more-production-overseas
  11. "Unfortunately for you, the line you crossed was real"
  12. This. I did the same thing and I just had to type out a letter of explanation.
  13. Trade deficits aren't necessarily a bad thing. Actually, it usually happens during times of economic strength/growth.
  14. North Korea still has the exact same amount of nuclear weapons and facilities. Trump pledges to immediately suspend US-South Korean military exercises. "President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!" - Trump At least Trump and "little rocket man" aren't going back and forth threatening to nuke one another, so there's that.
  15. :lolguy: Next time I won't use such a confusing word as correlation. I'll just use "link", FFS. Unfortunately, I can't get sucked down the Geeto vortex today as much as I'd like to. Vortex: a mass of whirling fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind. Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
  16. I used correlation because I meant correlation. English might be my second language, but the day my English gets corrected by an American...:dumb::dumb: There you go, we agree.
  17. There you have it folks. There is no correlation between hard work and success, in fact, we should encourage and reward those who contribute as little as possible to society.
  18. The way the prison system works in most western, English speaking countries is so outdated. The scandinavian systems is so much better. I forget where I watched the documentary on it, but it's pretty amazing. I think Thoughty2 on YouTube did an episode on it once too...worth checking out. edit:
  19. I believe on average it costs ~$10k a year to raise a child? Minimum wage is what? $15k a year? So lets start bidding at $25k to be able to support you and a child. I knew this will be brought up. Government financial aid will still be there for those who need it. I don't see color (:dumb:), but I do see the lazy, those looking for handouts, those who blame race on everything. I'm not saying we need to impose laws to prevent people from having children, because I think it's immoral. I also think it's immoral for people to put stress on society by reproducing when they cannot afford to do so. I believe it is the government's responsibility to provide education to it's citizens. Education is the most important thing a person needs next to food and water. I also believe that waste is one of the worst things to do, whether it's food, water or other resources. When you waste tax money on those who don't truly need or deserve it, the ones who do get shafted...those are the rape victims, etc. There's no law that says you can't be a douche, but god dammit, just don't be a douche.
  20. :dumb: It's literally that easy.
  21. Well...let's compare the total number of shootings by inner city children vs shootings committed by middle class, suburban children. Perhaps inner city kids would shoot up schools if they spent as much time inside one as suburban kids. No you're right, but I'm talking about moving out of a piss poor area, with piss poor schools to something better. I'm not talking about moving from Westerville to Olentangy. It's easy to get a job that pays better than working at McD's 4 days a week.
  22. Seems simple to me. I've managed to have sex with chicks and not get them pregnant for over 20 years...especially during most of my 20s where I sure as hell couldn't afford to have one. Yet there are dipshits having kids who had far less of an income than I did.
  23. Yeah...you seem to be the only one that's always bringing up race. Honestly, the picture painted in my head was some white guy, not much unlike the intro to Idiocracy. I'll probably be labelled a racist now because I didn't include a minority in my visualizations. True, but will good parents not make sure that a child receives good schooling? Then there's the whole nature vs nurture thing. Clear sign that you're not in a position financially to raise a child properly. You just went from saying if you grow up poor, you'll be fine, to, if you grow up poor you're pretty much fucked. So I'll say it again...if you can't afford kids, don't have them. You cant afford to send them to a good school, so they'll have a shit education, have a shit job and probably raise more shit children. Then all our tax money won't have to be spent on feeding and raising other people's kids. Treat the cause, not the symptoms.
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