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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. Here, I'll give you a review. The Iphone OS is prehistoric and outdated. The whole thing is simply a glorified launcher (android app drawer). It's cool though because now the user can change their background on the iphone, something most phones could do 10 years ago. Iphone can now multi-task, iphone now has folders, iphone now has a 1ghz processor, sweet its simply up to par. Qualcomm already has a Dual Core 1.5ghz processor available, so for a phone that hasnt been released yet, its already somewhat outdated. Iphone now has a farmville app, so no need for Flash right? HTML5 will fill in the other gaps right? We're all car guys here so I'll keep it on our level. I would like someone with an iphone to go shop for some iForged wheels on their website. Or perhaps enjoy some Family Guy episodes on Hulu? Tethering...need an android phone as a hotspot to provide internet to your wifi ipad. Iphone display sounds nice, and the battery on paper looks pretty good. It will probably be better than any android phone, except for maybe Samsung Galaxy S which has a 4" SAMOLED screen. Iphone's screen is pretty small still, 3.5", even my N1 has a 3.7" screen. We will see how the iphone's battery performs in the real world. On paper its slightly better than any phone currently available. Also the camera on the iphone will be very nice. APPLE, I AM DISSAPOINT. I love this whole iphone vs android "space race" because the consumer wins in the end. Apple failed to take it to the next level this time. Iphone people, I now allow you to retort....or admit defeat and go buy an android
  2. Evo vs iphone http://persistence.tv/2010-06-08/7110.htm
  3. CRed05

    WTB: turbo(s)

    200 a piece. Altough this is not an S4 K03, it will still give you an idea of the size http://www.mjmturbos.com/images/KKKsmallturbo.jpg
  4. CRed05

    WTB: turbo(s)

    Stock S4's are K03's, pretty damn small but capable of ~350-400hp on the S4 2.7L. They are in great shape, no leaks, no smoke, no noise, very little to no shaft play. $300 negotiable for the set.
  5. 4 rotor /discussion
  6. CRed05

    WTB: turbo(s)

    I have two stock S4 turbos laying around.
  7. AT&T is maxed at 7.2mbps right now, and are about to upgrade to LTE. Where T-Mobile is bumping their speed up to 21mbps, but havent mentioned anything about going to LTE, which is capable of 100mbps. Where's CDMA going to go?
  8. "Things are better than what they were before because this guy sucks"
  9. CRed05

    Ubuntu 10.04

    "Android relies on Linux version 2.6 for core system services such as security, memory management, process management, network stack, and driver model. The kernel also acts as an abstraction layer between the hardware and the rest of the software stack." You can run Debian on Android phones
  10. CRed05

    Ubuntu 10.04

    Cool, I'll try it out.
  11. All true, I even recall He-Man crushing a diamond with his bare hands.
  12. Dont let the 8mp camera on the Evo fool you. Iphone's 5mp camera will be better. Video calling is a waste of space on both devices, people don't even call anymore, we just text, sure as heck not going to be video calling. It's been around outside the US for about 5 years and there's a reason it hasn't caught on, people don't use it, even less so on a device that will limit you to only using it on wifi, to a single device, on a single network. Expect a bunch more of these pictures, but now the poo will be in HD http://www.davepye.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/myspace-girl-poo.jpg
  13. http://www.pomegranatephone.com/ Be sure to check out it's features.
  14. Incredible Hulk, he grows stronger as he gets angrier. He-Man has purple boots and is queermosexual http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d132/wileygaby/HeMan.jpg edit:He-Man probably also has an iPhone
  15. Snapdragon is old yo. 1.5Ghz is the new hotness. Standby time also doesnt mean shit, how does it perform when being used is the question. I wouldnt mind having netflix though, without the 2GB cap of course.
  16. Did I miss something?
  17. Isnt the EVO 1080p?
  18. Still waiting for something impressive...
  19. Haha, wtf...where'd the other rotor go? Weight reduction? Still being overnighted from japan? I hear gsxr rotors pull quite a premium the week before race wars.
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