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Everything posted by CRed05

  1. Maybe they changed it since when I did it but they played that while some CRT tv played images of jets and eagles darting across the screen. A little bit cringe worthy, but it was a good day. Comparing a UK to US passport, looks like you are now able to visit 1 more country visa free, Mongolia. For me, having an RSA passport, it opened up 60 some countries. https://www.passportindex.org/comparebyPassport.php?p1=us&p2=uk&p3=za&fl=&s=yes Congratulations.
  2. First time hearing about this. It is a pretty ugly suit. I remember Trump's tie during his inauguration, I made fun of that thing big time. I expect bullshit like that from Fox News, but when the media I used to enjoy, that I found credible starts to match and overtake that behavior, there is a problem. "When they go low, we go high"...shut up bitch, we're doing it our own way.
  3. I'm not defending Trump, I can't stand the man. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but the fucking left will STILL tell him he's wrong then.
  4. Yeah naah that doesn't change anything. CHECKMATE! FATALITY! I WIN KEK!
  5. Ok let's stop the name calling for fucks sake. A fellow CR bro shared a video with me about things that previous Democrat Presidents have said, which are basically the same things Trump has said about the topic. The difference is that Obama won't ever be a called a racist. I found a shorter, more comedic version of that video. I miss those Democrats. The ones that believed in progress but still had common sense.
  6. You're saying there are laws that exist today in this country that state you cannot be hired because you are a person of color/non-white? Doesn't matter to me if it's only limited to a certain area, or what the reason behind it is. Like you said, making a hiring decision based on race is illegal, and affirmative action is a decision made based on race. I don't have a problem with that because job flexibility opens it up to everyone. Didn't you just say that happens in Gov entities and higher education? All I can say here is that I don't agree it's white supremacy. Fear mongering, perhaps, but as a reaction to fear mongering. Racism comes from and goes out to all races. Saying all white people are racists is just as bad as saying all black people are lazy. The laziest thing to do is to blame your shortcomings on racism.
  7. Not legally in the US, not yet. But this kind of thinking/talk is exactly how you reach that outcome. You know how to boil a frog right? You don't throw it in a pot of hot water cause it will jump right out. You put it in water he's comfortable with and then slowly turn up the heat. Never does he say that white people are naturally more qualified for an open position at a company. I'd say he's arguing to hire based on merit alone, not to hire with the goal to create diversity. No one can deny that in the past minorities in this country were faced with laws that prevented them from being in certain positions. How long ago was that? How many people going through the employment process today has ever faced those kinds of laws? How many people alive today have gone through that? To use your words, nobody is legally losing their jobs because of "diversity". When there's a quota or an incentive to hire someone because of their race, focus shifts off of qualification and onto race. It's also not a matter of hiring someone who is UNqualified, but a matter of not hiring the person that is the most qualified, and that is racial discrimination. Not to mention bad for society. You could've had the best doctor operating on you, instead, you got the best person who wasn't white. Could the best one be non-white? Sure, but there is one way to guarantee you always get the best, and that's to hire on merit. I'm saying Ol Greg is wrong. It's not white supremacy, it's someone who's tired of people shitting on his race. He's not saying anything about any other race, it's similar to BLM. BLM said, stop fucking thinking all black people suck, now this guy is saying stop thinking all white people suck. I hang my hat on the fact that I believe in equality for all, no matter your race or religion, but your character and ability. I hang my hat on the fact that I've seen what he describes become law.
  8. Maybe I read a little more into your response than intended, apologies if I did, but here's the direct quote from Canada poster guy, that's what I'm referring to. "That white people "giving up power" involves reducing the proportion of white people in business organizations and government (mandatory enforced "diversity") [Note: This is ethnic cleansing.]"
  9. Blocking or removing blacks from jobs = bad Blocking or removing whites from jobs = good Got it. Well should also immediately resign and make sure a non-white person replaces you. You wouldn't do that though, would you? No, because you're just in it for the Instagram likes.
  10. Well he's saying that forced diversity is ethnic cleansing. He might be reaching for it, but is he wrong? Ethnic cleansing: "the attempt to create ethnically homogeneous geographic areas through the deportation or forcible displacement of persons belonging to particular ethnic groups. Ethnic cleansing sometimes involves the removal of all physical vestiges of the targeted group through the destruction of monuments, cemeteries, and houses of worship." https://www.britannica.com/topic/ethnic-cleansing Perception is reality. If someone is in fear for their own well being, they will respond. Fear is being created, and it's not just a few crazies, it's being broadcasted on TV and pop culture.
  11. I'll share this because maybe some of you will find it interesting. Another forum I'm on, a sports forum that consists mainly of people from the UK, Aus, NZ, SA and some US and Canada, just today had this same topic come up because of the following article: 'It's okay to be white' signs posted around Halifax https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/okay-to-be-white-halifax-1.4887174 Statement from dude who put up the signs: https://www.eurocanadian.ca/2018/11/its-not-okay-to-be-white-in-canadas.html?m=1 Side note: People in the UK, particular those who use Sky as their ISP cannot see the 2nd link because Sky blocks sites that contain "weapons, gore and hate". Feels good man to live in a country where ISPs can't tell you what you can and cannot see.
  12. I'd think someone who isn't a racist would hate all kinds of racism. Racism is racism my friend. Trying to undo past racist acts by more racist acts is only making things worse.
  13. Looks like the shooter at the California night club has been identified as a former marine.
  14. She pissed off white people, she pissed off Muslims. Looking back at her history, she went back and forth siding with Irish Nationalists, then with the loyalists and then back to wanting an independent Ireland...all while wanting a united Ireland. She's a mess. "Sinead is a mad bitch" - Conor McGregor
  15. Democrats let me down on issue 1. Treatment is better than punishment when it comes to drugs, and I thought that was something the left understood.
  16. Where was your blue wave yesterday? Did all your fellow snowflakes melt because of global warming? - "Sarah Huckabee Sanders" calling into Howard Stern Show
  17. Yeah, yeah... This isn't Walt Disney's Tomorrowland shit. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2017/11/30/robots-could-soon-replace-nearly-a-third-of-the-u-s-workforce/?utm_term=.9693c887d579 http://www.eng.ox.ac.uk/about/news/new-study-shows-nearly-half-of-us-jobs-at-risk-of-computerisation I'm not talking about terrorism, but I already showed on here how little of a percentage all those are. Ask those South Africans how many times they heard or maybe even said "oh SA will never become like the rest of Africa because of xyz"...now they're here, in Ohio. Why is that?
  18. Some and eventually all those jobs will be replaced by, not immigrants, but by tech. Foodservice: McDonald's is already on their way to have only 1 human in stores at a time. I'm sure eventually they will want 0. Other's will/are follow(ing). What about a chef at a restaurant? Already being replaced with tech you can put in your home right now. http://www.moley.com/ Custodial: Roomba yo. Agriculture: Roomba for plants yo. Not sure if you've seen what farming equipment has been able to do for the past 10 years, it will only get smarter. Industrial/Distribution: Robotics and self driving cars/drones. Skill sets need to improve and change or there will be problems. Bringing in more unskilled labor by even today's standards isn't doing us any favours. The caravan itself isn't the problem, but as they say, one bad apple ruins the bunch, and depending on how this caravan situation is handled, it could become the one bad apple that sets the standard for future caravans and immigration. If you're not willing to live in a non-western country, then you might want slow your roll because your grand kids could grow up in one.
  19. Nice pics! I'd buy one if I had the means. The technology on those things are insane. lol still too rich for my blood :fa:
  20. Ok. You stand there and let a crowd of 4000 people throw rocks at you and tell me they're unarmed. Perhaps you should look into those laws again and what it says about what the military can do when they "poses an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm".
  21. I'd like to see state employees and lawyers fend off a crowd of 4000. I'd imagine a scene that hasn't been seen since the Romans witnessed Christians fighting off lions and bears in the Colosseum all those years ago.
  22. I'm ok with the troops being there. There is a lot of people storming the border, they need to be there. They've been warned too, throw a rock, you eat lead. I guess we'll see how Trump handles it.
  23. I'm glad you're willing to let them go through the process. I don't think most people are against that. The feeling I was getting is that you(plural) want to just open the borders for all the refugees.
  24. If they meet the requirements. Are any of these people fleeing because they fear persecution because of their: 1) Race 2) Religion 3) Nationality 4) Member of particular social group 5) Political opinion People get rejected all the time. Yeah, I'm very fearful of foreigners, they're all scum and they smell weird. Certain types? Absolutely. I don't want criminals, for one.
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