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kawi kid

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Everything posted by kawi kid

  1. http://drudgegae.iavian.net/r?hop=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.indianexpress.com%2Fnews%2Ffive-jealous-wives-rape-nigerian-man-to-death%2F979270%2F
  2. Keep it up you might start sounding like one of those crazy preppers people are so scared of.
  3. I've read reports saying he had a god damn machine gun too! Until we see the actual items I'm going on believing its the media blowing everything out of proportion again and using super scary words like tactical, assualt, and high capacity to push sway their readers minds and opinions.
  4. "2.2 to 2.5 million defensive uses of guns of all types by civilians against humans". http://www.saf.org/LawReviews/Southwickjr1.htm
  5. We should make chicken fucking legal. *FULL RETARD MODE ENGAGED!
  6. I'm looking at it honestly. You are lookign at it through your rosey colored glasses as normal. I'm finished.
  7. There is a group out there called oath keepers. Its a pretty large organization comprised of service members both military and police that recognize they took an oath to. Protect this country from threats both foreign and DOMESTIC.
  8. Tell that to a bunch of cave dwelling herdsmen that have been doing a mighty fine jody the last ten years of pissing off our superior military and quite a few Russians before that.
  9. I'm always polite and courteous, but have a plan to kill every mother fucker in the room.
  10. I have a hard time taking any politician at his word anymore.
  11. Was that Rodney carrington in the background music? Lol
  12. http://drudgegae.iavian.net/r?hop=http%3A%2F%2Fcnsnews.com%2Fblog%2Fron-meyer%2Fauroras-strict-gun-laws-didnt-prevent-shooting-if-one-law-abiding-person-theater-had This talks more about Aurora's gun laws that a lot of opponents aren't mentioning.
  13. You suck. And your opinion doesn't matter either. I wouldn't have attempted a sho, I already made that clear. But the guy on he blog is former military and a high tier trainer so his outlook is obviously different. I was talking more in his stance on the controlled carry zone.
  14. Thanks for the input. Ill let you know right now your opinion matters very little to me. Have a nice day.
  15. Prob my favorite blog out of all I keep up on. But I think this is a lot of what I have been trying to say. http://madogre.com/?p=3138
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