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kawi kid

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Everything posted by kawi kid

  1. You guy are looking at this all wrong you need to take a different point of view and see thst she didn't grow the massive bush, the bush grew a hippie on top of itself. And I don't want to hear any speculation of the bush's innocence. The bush's smell, the bush's vagina, the bush's hippie. *slam dunk
  2. The other view point being that a lot of the concealed carry people on here believe that if what Zimmerman said is true and put in the same situation they would have done the same thing. We will see how it shakes out in court of course. But saying Zimmerman is the same as Holmes is basically saying the people here and all around America who choose to defend their life with any means possible is also the same as Holmes. Therefore anyone who carries a firearm is a potential murderer no matter the circumstance that includes cops and military members also. This is it for me.
  3. No thanks I'm finished with this thread. You are young yo have to try trolling someone else. I'm done here
  4. After debating and reading the same stuff over and over magley posts about, you don't need super powers to know he isn't trolling like you believe. And never once have I resorted to name calling.
  5. I think I just realised how much magz is like the kids who are praising Holmes. He goes put of the way to go completely against the grain of what most see as normal. I kinda says a lot about his stance of self-defense also. He takes the victim role everytime which is what a lot of these kids are going also. If your aren't in the majority you are the victimized minority. Magz will tell argue this and say its cuz is more advanced and cultured just like he explained why he doesn't need guns. The point of this thread when I started it was to point that so soon after a horrible crime I was surprised and shocked that this guy who premeditated murder on innocent civilians has people who want to be like him. I'm the guy who takes situations like this and tries to learn from them. I look at it and ask what would I have done to make myself or my wife safe in this sort of chaos. I try to learn. What surprises me is how some people can look at it with a feeling of sorrow for the person who would think up doing something like this. That is all.
  6. I'm giving you one free babysitting voucher. Lulz
  7. Go to the buffet on half off night, plenty of airships there
  8. I thought you still gone so I have been holding off asking you. I have two new loads I'm testing.
  9. Cool. Btw I need your chronograph... get it fixed please.
  10. Exactly what I was going to say but I know I would be wasting my time with such a reply.
  11. I'm just glad to see the dynamic duo back in action together.
  12. Well its rather simple to me. One person threw tear gas into a crowded movie theater and shot into a crowd of innocent movie goers according to the evidence. The other was attacked and shot the person who knocked him to the ground broke his nose and jeopardized his life according to the evidence. If it turns out he went out of his way to murder him ill eat crow and say I was wrong in my observations of the evidence. I think I have explained myself enough. I'm finished trying.
  13. He truly believe the shit he posts so its really not trolling.
  14. Or the fact he was caught by the police at his car taking off his gear really helped point out who the shooter was... But if you want to get into another one of your pointless troll-athons save it.
  15. Maybe it seems a little too soon for me to see kids shitting on the victims of such an awful crime? Dunno just pissed me off when I heard it and thought I would share it and spark some discussion.
  16. The seventy people shot by Holmes weren't slamming his head off the ground. But troll on.....
  17. http://m.nydailynews.com/1.1126496 http://m.gawker.com/5930565/why-james-holmes-has-fans-on-the-internet Those better?
  18. My honest opinion they should stick to pintrest, MySpace, and cutting themselves.
  19. Is this the new Hipster thing to do? Show support for murderers? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2181721/James-Holmes-fans-The-sick-online-fans-wear-plaid-drink-slurpees-support.html
  20. Just like college transcripts. Better to be a wild guess than reality.
  21. kawi kid


    Its no secret how China grooms their athletes. If we had a program like theirs I would be disappointed in our performance. But we are still relying on peoples dreams of becoming Olympic athletes not the states dream so I'm pleased. http://drudgegae.iavian.net/r?hop=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fnews%2Farticle-2181374%2FYe-Shiwen--forging-Mandarin-mermaid-How-Chinese-children-brutalised-future-Olympians.html%23ixzz22F3kryZS
  22. An example of a disarmed city http://drudgegae.iavian.net/r?hop=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbcchicago.com%2Fblogs%2Fward-room%2FThe-Deadliest-Global-City-163874546.html
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