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kawi kid

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Everything posted by kawi kid

  1. keep in mind the jumper mod is not gonna show any difference til after 13k rpms too so you rarely see it. and the water injection is to help with pre-detination.
  2. i didnt even know they were coming through crow-town i would have atleast sat along the road and waved at them
  3. you arent the only one, i peed a little too.
  4. gf has the kel tec i love that gun im thinking about either getting one for me too or an lcp
  5. how the hell did this go from is moose ok to make fun of me? funny how that works
  6. i doubt it i havent even read that thread yet. but i think i have something going on i just cant remember what, id have to ask the gf. she is like a personal assistant :lol:

  7. actually i havent played it in awhile no time
  8. :lol: im high up in the chain of command here keep that in mind ;)

    really i have over ten thousand posts and its gonna take some time for someone to catch me :lol:

  9. cuz im the fucking man!!

  10. wait............. did he do anything to help it turn? just wondering?
  11. wow sorry guys....... i wish i could have made it someone get ahold of me with details.
  12. i have been caught in the rain more than once and i like the idea of keeping the motor with out water............
  13. "road mj works on....." noted. my stalker book has been falling short lately.
  14. doug, you are going to run into alot of joking and picking at each other around here dont take it personally.
  15. i am not sure if they have started or not?
  16. todd i might be a little impartial recon since we are in the gas business we get to hear some of the horror stories, and let me tell you there are some shady people out there. I have heard of people taking 87 gas and sticking it in the 93. i know for a fact it happened to me in my Acura once from a BP station in michigan, for that reason i no longer buy from any BP stations. If i cant get to our station i will use only Shell the cleaning agents they have are really great and in all my vehicles i get the best mileage over any other.
  17. wwwwwwwwwwwooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww sorry for your loss man.
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