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Big Chief201

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Big Chief201 last won the day on August 12 2012

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About Big Chief201

  • Birthday 09/03/1984

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  1. If you build a garage on my house in german village you can live in it. Just throwing out your options. I already have a cement pad poured for a 2.5 garage.
  2. how about the new Daft Punk?

  3. Go with anything rubberized. I unfortunately used Dupli-color and its just a hard coating and everything slides around. Id suggest going with herculiner. Get a Wire brush head on a drill scruff the crap out of the bed. Id washe the bed out after doing it with water, let it dry and then rub it down with some acetone. It'll turn out great.
  4. Look into an Roth IRA for him, you get higher gains (if the market produces) and theres no penalty for using for higher education. The math of a 529 just doesnt add up you gain minimal tax advantage for low returns. Its a government money making machine.
  5. My wife and I are in contract to buy a house in German Village. Can anyone recommend me a home inspector that specializes in old homes? This one was built in 1920.
  6. Big Chief201


    Grand opening seems a bit pointless, but it will be nice having a store close when I need to see some fishing lures, or rods before I buy them.
  7. 8K for 160,000 miles, you're just asking for problems! Keep searching you'll find better.
  8. I didnt read the whole thread but you should just go to small claims against the car owner AND the driver. You could sue the owner of the car for 3k and then sue the driver of the car for 3k. Pretty simple stuff pay about $150 to the courts to sue them, go to court with your evidence and money in the bank (if you can prove it).
  9. I'm suprised no one mentioned Affliction Jeans Bro
  10. my parents would have beat my a$$. My son I'd probably do similar to you maybe make him clean up dog crap with his hands as an added bonus.
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