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Big Chief201

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Everything posted by Big Chief201

  1. Also If you want to get into a history lesson please tell me what happened to Germany and Austria after WWI......... If you think our depression was "GRRRRRREAT" the Deutsche Mark was extremely devalued in an effort to F the other countries they owed "reparations" to. This caused mass inflation and therefore lead to the most devistating depression the world has ever seen.
  2. so your saying there was a depression before the great depression that we could compare the two? What categorizes a depression vs. a "great" depression? I'm not even going to touch your other arguement because its not even worth my time. I
  3. I'd probably throw the body in an elevator shaft in detroit.
  4. are you serious? Its like the trickle effect but they are stimulating the base not the top. You give people jobs, they spend money creating other jobs, its simple economics. Also who says they are all union workers? Also if you look at the layout of the stimulus plan Infrastructure was a huge part of bill that will be used for schools, buildings, etc. with that said I'm not going to argue my point anymore.
  5. you should still probably crack his skull just my opinion
  6. You just quoted two extremely biased news sources. The stimulus package will work in specified targeted areas like construction.
  7. not gonna lie i really want this bike.... to bad I dont have 6500 laying around
  8. [ quote=max power;144881]Pikers!! I fuckin hate pikers!!!
  9. Whats wrong with being nekkid?
  10. if you haven't seen I can yokee a mean one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwoa9OlQZFE
  11. I dont mind Coshocton I have been out there a few times with you guys and most of the roads are pretty nice. There are some corners that I cant believe people flew threw at the rate they were going at, granted I am all about not risking it and keeping my bike in one peice.
  12. I suggest bringing your helmets and gloves boys and girls its Roller ball time.
  13. If by fleas you mean badasses such as: Then you sir are correct. If you are talking about the bloodsucking bug then you are incorrect and I challenge you to an honor duel.
  14. I'm definetly going it should be fun to have a big group rollin through there.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2dX-ofUewM or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHszyYbg5Ao
  16. I'm gonna have to say yes.... but only if when the girl gets up to leave we can take a picture of her and sing the walk of shame song.
  17. I'm trying to help nicky bobby and my wallet out. We'll see where the road takes us.
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