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Big Chief201

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Everything posted by Big Chief201

  1. Its just Cleveland man we cant win anything... its not in the playbook.
  2. all you steeler fans are fair weather.... RIZZO said it best: http://www.stationcaster.com/player.php?s=70&c=476&f=32229
  3. my thick skin for being a browns fan is running very thin considering we are now the Cleveland Jets. We traded two of our best receivers Braylon and Winslow for who? As much as everyone hated them two they were good play makers and now we have none really.
  4. mixed myself some shine and coke I'll be sleeping like a baby in about 20....
  5. just finished my costume... you might see me :-)
  6. What are the chances the same song two different bands posted back to back!!!! (go back to the second page Old Medicine is better).
  7. we went away from the gold standard a long time ago and went to the dirty float it worked fairly well until monetary and contractionary policy roared its evil head. Just look at what Paul Volcker did in the 80's
  8. this has been rumored for awhile now. You can thank Ben Bernanke and the gov. for causing the dollar to be devalued so much that it caused extreme volatility in the market.
  9. Old Crow Medicine Show - Wagon wheel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2vJUadjdmo
  10. is there a way i can see all my rep or no? I got to user CP and only see like a few. I dont get it.... Could be just an idiot....
  11. does anyone have a sewing machine or know how to sew for that matter I have some alterations I need to do to my costume.........
  12. I prefer the Windsor http://www.newsweek.com//frameset.aspx/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tie-a-tie.net%2Fwindsor.html
  13. So seeing whos all going to tiesto tuesday and my friends were thinking about meeting up some place downtown before hand to get some drinks in our system before getting there. oppsss fail I forgot the poll my bad just post what bars you like.
  14. this the best thing to happen to Chicago, The facilities would have never been used after works and the stacking debt would have ruined the city. I would have gone though.
  15. I think youll enjoy this........ http://vimeo.com/6747788
  16. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33130861/ns/us_news-weird_news/?GT1=43001 GAINESVILLE, Fla. - No one expects a zombie apocalypse. But the University of Florida is making sure officials are ready for a night of the living dead, just in case.The school has a plan for responding to the undead on its Web site among outlines for dealing with hurricanes and pandemics. The exercise lays out how university officials would respond to attacks by "flesh-eating, apparently life impaired individuals." It notes that a zombie outbreak might include "documentation of lots of strange moaning." A University of Florida spokesman says the exercise was written by an employee to "add a little bit of levity" to disaster preparation discussions.
  17. I don't even want to think of beer after the fiasco of last night.
  18. I'm going with 5 people so far we might go to novaks or garage bar before.
  19. I'm saying Happy hour downtown its a good central location for everyone there's a couple places with good food we just need to have a central meeting local.
  20. GARAGE BAR the GM said he would hook us up if we called it home... I still keep in touch with him and he always asks if we will ever try to plan something there.
  21. So does anyone want to go to this? The person I was going to go with kind of backed out. I'm thinking I'd either get a hotel room and stay there or not drink and drive back if interested PM me......
  22. So if anyone is going to this we should hit up happy hour around 6 somewhere downtown anyone game?
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