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Big Chief201

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Everything posted by Big Chief201

  1. I must say this bike is one of the meanest and cleanest 600's I've ever seen.
  2. Seriously If you want to take a look at this mess that would be amazing. The outside is pretty but the interworkings of it such as fuel ratios and electrical is a nightmare.
  3. You own a Triumph you have to like working on bikes. Mines a hunk of junk.
  4. If you havent put those tires on and need a hand let me know I'm normally free every nght after 6ish.

  5. You definetly don't want to do laser treatments its supposidly extremely painful. I would suggst take the arm band and designing something into it where you can encorporate black so you can hide/cover up the band.
  6. They moved in litterally last week, and we noticed their front window was smashed in with a board over it.
  7. Game on Schmucks might be down this time......
  8. yea it blows but what can you do? I'm suprised no one commented on me shitting my pants like its a normal thing or something around here.
  9. I seriously want to go buy a hand gun now just for if shit like this happens again kick in the door and go ape shit. And yea smelly said he went to the cops I dont know if i believe it but im sure he'll back off once he gets the papers from court to pay us.
  10. I wake up at 5:30 this morning to screaming and yelling coming from the condo next to ours and flashlights shining up into my room. I walk downstairs in my boxers (no suprise) and open my patio door not realizing its the police and say what the fuck, they told me to go back inside. I then go back to bed and get woke up to one of the cops asking me to fill out a witness sheet. Great way to get work up let me tell you. It doesnt stop there........ I try to go back to sleep and get called from my job saying we have an account 120K debit, I shit my pants take a shower and off to work I go. On the way to work I get a text from the smelly kid we kicked out of our house and had recently sent him messages to explain the bills he owes saying hes called the police for harrassment because I called him about the bills he owes. Could it get better......
  11. its a good money making strategy..... if i came across a strategy that would be a cash cow for me id exploit it.....
  12. It is illegal to short sell now thanks to the Gov.
  13. ok so I guess its time I put my two cents in to this conversation........ Ford GM and that other car company still have some losing to take on. Have you heard any good news from any of the automotive sector? If you have I would sure like to know where. Car sales are down etc. etc. If I were you and I'm not I wouldnt waste your money on Ford or GM youre kind of looking at a get rich scheme in my opinion. If you look at the 5yr highs for these companies you probably wouldnt even make 8K if the markets actually went in your favor. Nows the perfect time to invest in energy for example any enery EFT have been consistently pumping out 33-100+% ROI (return on investment) a year. Also precious metals are always good buys at these level. Nows the time to buy people and buy buy buy we must. You dont hear stories about people getting rich when the markets doing well. Its the people who invest when the markets suck that end up to be winners. But what do I know... I'm just a....
  14. So I'm actually going to be in town this weekend and the boys want to go out...... I'm sure I can get APC and few others to come out downtown.
  15. see the signature.......
  16. The fat girl seemed like she smoked crack before she came honestly and I vouch that I don't even thing it took 15 minutes for her to hate him.
  17. we'll be re-releasing you back into the wild this weekend.
  18. hilarious..... The best part about this market "crash" (I call it a correction from Bill Clinton) is that we get extreme volatility and people put options on still generating revenue and I dont ahve to monitor risk. I love this.
  19. gees i was just working 12+hours a day and busting my ass non-stop now im just chillin doin nothing.
  20. I've done maybe 10 minutes of total work today. The rest of the time I've spent looking at stuff on the internet. Just thought I would rub it in.
  21. Ken vs. Frank I kinda dig the concept and look forward to the fight it would be like me beating my older brother in the ring who wouldnt want to watch the trainwreck thats about to happen. http://sports.espn.go.com/extra/mma/news/story?id=3638757
  22. I'm probably going to end up going with this look by the end of the year.
  23. It's running rich as fuck, its bogged down to here and hell and back. The check engine light wont go off. If I keep it theres gonna be some major dough dropped into it. I want the sickest daytona in the states.
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